
  1. R

    US leaders charged for accepting money from anti-Iran terrorist group

    On Friday, US Treasury Department issued subpoenas into an investigation against over three dozen former US high ranking government and military officials for accepting large sum of money in return for lobbying for an anti-Tehran government terrorist militant group, the Mujahideen-e-Khalq (MEK)...
  2. R

    Who killed the ‘Proud Jew’ Andrew Breitbart?

    “You cannot be objective when it comes to right and wrong. And Israel is the right. So, I’m a biased journalist, and I’m having a great time doing that,” Andrew Breitbart speaking at the Republican Jewish Coalition event in 2001. On March 1, the Jewish daily Forward in its editorial proclaimed...
  3. 100th Monkey

    Anonymous Hacks FBI To UK Conference Call

    Listen along, and laugh out loud at the law enforcement agents bumbling away. Investigators can be heard discussing joint inquiry into cybercrime in 15-minute call released on the internet Hackers from the group Anonymous have broadcast a private conference call between the FBI and Scotland...
  4. 100th Monkey

    Obama's Gay Past Being Hidden By Killing Ex-Lovers

    Mother of Murdered Obama Gay Lover Speaks Up Submitted by SadInAmerica on Mon, 01/16/2012 - 8:09pm. In late May, (2010) Wash. DC-based investigative journalist Wayne Madsen had a bombshell revelation about Obama’s membership in a Chicago gay club, Man’s Country. ~ Wayne Madsen Donald Young...
  5. R

    US: ‘No Blacks in Jewish Cemetery’

    ”Racism is at peak in America on Sunday at 11:00 a.m,” Rev. Martin Luther Jr. Maria Balaban 72, is a member of Board of Directors of Ahavath Achim (Hebrew for “brotherly love”), a Sephardic Jewish congregation, established nearly 100 years ago. She has filed a law suit (The Root, January 8...
  6. R

    Study: Israeli nukes safer than China, Pakistan and Iran!

    A few days ago, the Washington-based Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI) released the findings of it latest survey on security conditions of weapon-usable nuclear materials held in 32 different countries. Israel ranked 25th in the study, scoring 56 out of 100. China scored 52, India 49, Pakistan 41...
  7. R

    ADL, Israel, Jews and the Chilean Patagonia fire

    “Patagonia belongs to Jews?”, an an Israeli living in Chile. Abraham Foxman, the national director of powerful Israel lobby, Anti-Defamation League (ADL), has called Chilean Senator Eugenio Tuma, chairman Foreign Affairs Committee of the Chilean Senate, an ‘anti-Semite’, for blaming Israel for...
  8. R

    Saudia is the greatest threat to US, not Iran, Stupid!

    John Stanton is a Virginia-based journalist, author and writer in security and Jewish matters. In January 2010, in an article published in the Cryptome he criticized Gen. Stanley McChrystal for proposing that story of Esther be taught to members of Female Engagement Teams (FET) in Afghanistan...
  9. R

    Israel: ‘Hizbullah to kill top Israeli Generals’

    On December 22, 2011 – Israeli daily Jerusalem Post had reported that with the fourth anniversary of the martyrdom of Hizbullah commander, Imad Mughniyeh, approaching – Israel Occupation Force (IOF) has beefed-up security around former IOF chief Lt. Gen. Gabi Ashkenazi and former Mossad chief...
  10. Denise

    Bank of Canada Challenged in Legal Action

  11. Denise

    Assange granted 'Appeal' hearing against 'Extradition' to Sweden

    December 17, 2011 Wikileaks founder Julian Assange arrives at the High Court in London for his extradition appeal hearing. BRITAINS' Supreme Court has agreed to hear WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange's appeal against extradition to Sweden over sex crimes allegations. The court said a panel...
  12. Truth Vibrations

    David Icke and Richard Warman in Secret Rulers

    "Canadian Lawyer Richard Warman plots to stop David Icke and a speaking tour of Western Canada. Once Warman fails to get Icke's book tour stopped, he resorts to "Maximum disruption" techniques to shut down Icke. The video shows Richard Warman conspiring with local hoodlums to assault Mr. Icke...
  13. New UFO Hunter

    Major US Intelligence Agency (Reveals) ET Contact..!

    NSA releases ultra-secret file regarding effort to decode decades-old alien signals 26th November 2011 Scientists determined that mysterious signals received in 1957 were transmitted to Earth from an advanced alien civilization. Decades have passed while security analysts and dedicated...
  14. Denise

    Lady Gaga: Another Pop Artist With a Strange Relationship With her Parents

    "Pop stars that are wholly part of the “entertainment machine” often have family members that act more as handlers. We’ve recently seen in Britney Spears is on Tour and is Still Under Mind Control that her parents have a tight control on her. Amy Winehouse and Michael Jackson are also other...
  15. New UFO Hunter

    Barack Obama traveled to Mars

    This is interesting but is it true? By Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd Two former participants in the CIA’s Mars visitation program of the early 1980’s have confirmed that U.S. President Barack H. Obama was enrolled in their Mars training class in 1980 and was among the young Americans...
  16. Denise

    Ventura Decries "Fascist" America After Judge Tosses TSA Case

    "Former Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura said he would now refer to the country of his birth as the "Fascist States of America" after a judge dismissed his case challenging airport pat downs, adding that his only recourse now would be to run for President. "Ventura made his comments outside the...
  17. Denise

    APPEAL REJECTED: Julian Assange 'Loses Extradition' Court Battle..!

    APPEAL REJECTED: Julian Assange loses extradition court battle Julian Assange arrives for his extradition hearing at the High Court in London today. Picture: AP AFP November 02, 2011 9:12PM WIKILEAKS founder Julian Assange has lost his appeal against extradition to Sweden to answer sex...
  18. Denise

    "Oh wow. Oh wow. Oh wow." Steve Jobs' last words, with his family surrounding him

    Full article:
  19. R

    Thomas Jefferson’s Holy Qur’an

    America’s third President Thomas Jefferson (1801-1809) was the principal author of Declaraion of Independence (1776) and the Statute of Viginia for Religious Freedom (1977). Jefferson was also considered the founder of the Library of Congress (Jefferson Building), which holds more than 140...
  20. R

    Holocaust: ‘How thee serve Israel’

    As the 11th anniversary of holy Ground Zero is approaching, the Zionist-controlled media has started its annual vicious propaganda compaign agianst Muslims lest the the Americans find out who were the real terrorists behind September 11, 2001 tragedy. As my two cents worth – I thought may be it...