martial law

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    [Attention] North Carolina Police Lieutenant Warns of Plans for Martial Law in 2013 Hoax? by Brandon Smith Some scary stuff if it turns out to be true. But I do think something is afoot. What do you think?
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    [Attention] Another Step Closer

    Boots on the ground: Obama Looks like we're getting closer to the "police state and perhaps in the future a Martial Law. I heard someone saying over the weekend that they're starting to use Agenda 21 on the economy. Scary times. I'm not doing anything wrong but I dislike the constant need...
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    [Attention] ‘Looks Like Martial Law Is Next’ – Troops In Kalispell Montana & Columbia Fall Under North Com Command

    Seems like people pick up on things going on on this website. I noticed this before, but didn't get a chance to post, earlier. What do you all think of this story? It's highly probable what with things going on like they are now. I've heard this dude speak before sometimes his reports are a...
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    Martial law Drills Happening Now What do They know That We Don't

    Now I live in one of these two cities, but was tired Friday night I fell asleep on the sofa watching a movie and didn't wake up until 2 am and heard nothing, I would've heard the choppers normally can always tell the sound of police chopper from a news chopper. Of course, the MSM Tv news didn't...
  5. Truth Vibrations

    Fema Internment Specialist Commercial

    Look at a current Job Advertisement:- Job Title As an Internment/Resettlement Specialist for the Army National Guard, you will ensure the smooth running of military confinement/correctional facility or detention/internment facility, similar to those duties conducted by civilian...
  6. Boiling Frog

    U.S. Troops In Neighboorhood Streets Fully Armed

    Guard members previously hunted insurgents in Iraq Paul Joseph Watson Tuesday, May 1, 2012 A photo showing fully armed U.S. National Guard troops patrolling a quiet residential street in Crookston, Minnesota has gone viral, once again underscoring concerns that Americans are...
  7. R

    Joe Badolai: ‘Anti-Israel TV writer commits suicide!’

    The producer of Canadian comedy show ‘Kids in the Hall’, Joe Badolai 63, was found dead in a cheap Las Angeles hotel room on December 26, 2011. Police believes it was a case of suicide after finding a suicide note and a bottle of Gatorade and a bottle of anti-freeze close to his body. The...
  8. Lady of Light

    7-7 WARNING RECEIVED: Elenin - 7/7 Warning Video

    I recently found the below video footage and also article / data that follows it worth it to read. 7-7 WARNING RECEIVED: " Hi guys: Here is the deal: The ELE Timeline says we must arrive at our bugout cavern locations during the month of August, because the solar maximum threat for storms is...

    Gulf military force enters Bahrain

    A military force from Saudi Arabia and other Gulf nations moved into Bahrain Monday to shore up the nation's Sunni rulers in the face of escalating Shiite-led protests seeking to break the monarchy's hold on power. Bahrain's main opposition groups immediately denounced the outside intervention...
  10. Unhypnotized

    Martial Law Comes to the Suburbs: Spike Jonze and Arcade Fire

    'Filmmaker Spike Jonze has collaborated with the band Arcade Fire on a short film, Scenes from the Suburbs. The video below is a music video from the film, which was shot in Austin, Texas. The short film appears to portray the country under martial law.' Taken from the short film: "Scenes...
  11. Unhypnotized

    Martial Law in America - Conplan 3502 Exposed - NORTHCOM FEMA RNC G20 Civil Disturban

    The droids you're looking for! Pretty darn Massive exposure of domestic military operations Reveals NORTHCOM CONPLAN3502 as the new Garden Plot template plan for domestic military operations, National Level...
  12. Unhypnotized

    Pentagon, Military Actively War Gaming ‘Large Scale Economic Breakdown’ and ‘Civil Unrest’

    Mac Slavo SHTF Plan Nov 24, 2010 The majority of Americans believe that recent government intervention into financial markets, the economy and corporate insolvency has reversed the economic downturn which was described by former Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson as being “on the brink” in 2008...
  13. Unhypnotized

    Conspiracy Theory With Jesse Ventura: Police State

    You Tube Monday, November 15, 2010 It’s been said the government has a plan to declare martial law and round up millions of United State citizens into concentration camps. Jesse may have found a conspiracy in plain sight as he investigates the proliferation of law enforcement Fusion Centers...
  14. Unhypnotized

    Its Not the “Great Recession”. Its the Great BANK ROBBERY

    Washington’s Blog Nov 11, 2010* In case its not crystal clear, this isn’t the “Great Recession”. Its really the Great Bank Robbery. First, there was the threat of martial law if the $700 Billion Tarp bailout wasn’t passed. Specifically, Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson warned Congress...
  15. Unhypnotized

    Deliberately Engineered Economic Collapse in USA Leading to Martial Law

    10-16-2010 04:04 AM 'With the US Government preparing to seize private and public pensions in order to bankrupt the American People and bring them down into poverty as part of their Full Spectrum Dominance plans, the risk of American society collapsing into anarchy and rioting is extremely high...
  16. Unhypnotized

    Post-Apocalyptic Predictive Programming For The Whole Family

    Discovery Channel’s apocalyptic reality TV show, The Colony, enters its second season with what might be the most dire sign yet for where our civilization is headed.* It is the latest in a long-standing history of predictive programming from Hollywood. Nicholas West Activist Post Thursday...
  17. Unhypnotized

    Pelosi Readies “Self-executing” Fascism to Force Obamacare on Americans

    Kurt Nimmo March 16, 2010 In January, a measley 36 percent of Americans approved of Obama’s health care “reforms” while fifty-four percent disapproved. “Many see the health care legislation as an inappropriate federal power grab,” writes Carrie Lukas for The Daily Caller this...
  18. Unhypnotized

    Chile earthquake: over 700 dead, 2M homeless, martial law demanded

    Global Crisis News March 2, 2010 The devastating magnitude 8.8 earthquake that struck Chile early Saturday morning has killed more than 700 people and leaft 2 million homeless, wounded or otherwise affected. As some of the worst affected areas woke up to badly damaged cities Sunday, looting...
  19. Unhypnotized

    Bill Ryan from Project Camelot explains The Anglo-Saxon Mission - 19th Feb 2010

    Quote: Project Camelot recently received 11 pages of information from an insider who was physically present at a meeting of Senior Masons in the City of London in 2005. What was discussed is chilling to the bone. What our source reports is this: -- There is a planned Third World War, which...
  20. Unhypnotized

    MIAC Report Supporter and Missouri Gov. Nixon to Sit On Obama’s Council of Governors

    Kurt Nimmo February 6, 2010 WRAL in North Carolina and the Associated Press are reporting that Obama has selected Missouri governor Jay Nixon to sit on his newly minted Council of Governors. On January 12, 2010, reported on Obama’s executive order establishing the...