
  1. 100th Monkey

    Historic Lawsuit against Demonic Forces launched July 4th 2012

    Quote from: SupportLocalScene PRESS CONFERENCE REALITY Announcing a lawsuit to be filed next Monday against crimes of Church and State Worldwide in the Canadian federal courts. More info soon...
  2. 2

    [FYI] Alureon Virus, FBI warns if you have it on PC you WILL get kicked off internet Monday

    I referenced hearing this story, off and on for the last few months in a previous post, Now here the story appears again, so I thought I would share, as it gives the details that I could only remember vaguely. The MSM hasn't mentioned as far as I know anything recently about this. So what do...
  3. Truth Vibrations

    David Icke - The Banker Fraudsters & the Global Banking Scam!

    Monday, 02 July 2012 10:16
  4. Truth Vibrations

    Deaths from Australia flooding reach 20

    Police: Flood toll climbs in Australia as search continues for missing - -- The death toll from flooding in the northeastern Australian state of Queensland has risen to 20, police said Monday. The Queensland Police Service said authorities were still searching for 12 people missing in...

    Driving rain brings new flood woes to Australia

    BRISBANE, Australia – Floodwaters from a swollen river poured into businesses in yet another northeastern Australian community Monday, as relentless rains brought more misery to a region battling its worst flooding in decades. Muddy waters flowed through the main street in the city of Gympie...
  6. R

    This Full Moon, the Worm Monday

    This Full Moon, the Worm Monday Tuesday, March 10, 2009 Next night, March 11 at 03.36 hours to be exact, the Whole Monday Nothing special you would say, were it not that an American folklore this Monday Monday called the Worm. It has all to do with the arrival of spring in the northern...