new testament

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    Turkey asks for the remains of Santa Clause

    Dr. Nevzat Çevik, archaeology professor at Akdeniz University, Antalya (Turkey) in a recent interview has called on Vatican to return to Turkey the remains of St. Nicholas aka Santa Clause, which were taken out of his original burial place in 1087 CE by force. “The bones of Saint Nicholas were...
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    Indonesian President: ‘Christmas for all’

    Gen. Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, president of world’s largest Muslim nation (220 million), Indonesia, has urged all Indonesians (88% Muslims, 11% Christians and 1% Hindus) to celebrate 2012 Christmas together. “The President said the Christmas celebration this year should be inclusive and enjoyed...
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    Jesus’ Gospels keep popping up!

    Professor Karen L. King (Harvard Divinty School) has claimed that she had found an unreported secret of Jesus’ life; he had a wife? She has identified a scrap of papyrus that she says was written in Coptic in the fourth century claiming Jesus had a wife. Interestingly, though Dr. King showed the...
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    Rev. Ted Pike: ‘Alcohol is Jewish!’

    “The Jews are masters of the whiskey trade in the United States. Eighty per cent of the members of the National Liquor Dealers’ Association are Jews. It has been shown that 60 percent of the business of distilling and wholesale trade in whiskey is in the hands of the Jews,” John Foster Fraser in...
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    Plight of Christians in Jewish occupied Palestine

    “The very name Jesus was for Jews a symbol of all that is abominable, and this popular tradition still persists. The Gospels are equally detested, and they are not allowed to be quoted, let alone taught, even in modern Israeli Jewish schools,” wrote late professor Israel Shahak. Bob Simon...
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    Israel: ‘Death to Christian’ painted on churches

    On Sunday evening, Christians visiting the Baptist House church in central Jerusalem were greeted with anti-Christian graffiti painted in Hebrew on the outside wall. The graffiti, when translated in English, means “We will (Jesus) crucify you” and “Death to Christians” – and crude insults...
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    Thomas Jefferson’s Holy Qur’an

    America’s third President Thomas Jefferson (1801-1809) was the principal author of Declaraion of Independence (1776) and the Statute of Viginia for Religious Freedom (1977). Jefferson was also considered the founder of the Library of Congress (Jefferson Building), which holds more than 140...
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    Rabbi, Torah and US Constitution

    Rabbi Joshua Levine Grater posted an article on Huffpost on July 2, 2011 in which he claimed that like the US Constitution, Torah (Old Testament) can be debated and revised to conform to human desire (in fact both the OT and NT have long been corrupted by interested people, according to Dr...
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    Deaf: ‘The Silent ones’

    The World Federation of the Deaf is holding its 16th international conference in Durban (South Africa) on July 18-24. According to some estimates, there are 70 million deaf people in the world. The great majority of them are considered mentally retarded and socially outcasts. Only 20% of them...
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    Bible Codes & the Sacred Secret!

    I have been searching the scriptures daily over the past few years and have come to a realization that Daniel 12:4 is no longer in the future! I have also read many books about the "Bible Code" but have not mastered the ability to decipher these codes in the Bible and believe satan did not...
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    Did John the Baptist betrayed Jesus?

    Christian literature for the last 2000 have been blaming Hebrews (Pharisees) for conspiring against Jesus (Isa) and played a major role in his Crucification. However, recently, Zionist double agent Pope Benedict XVI, had exonerated Jews for the death of his Lord Christ on the Cross in his book...
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    ADL: ‘Foreskin Man’ comic book is anti-Semitic

    One of America’s major Jewish Israel lobby organization, Anti-Defamation League (ADL), has blasted ‘Foreskin Man’ comic book’s circumcision images, depicting Mohel (a Jewish person trained in the practice of Brit milah or circumcision) as ‘monster’ looking. The colorful series was created by...
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    Bible, Jesus and the Evildoers

    Kenneth G. Ramey has posted an interesting article at Salem-News, entitled Conduct Based on Belief, in which he exposes the Christian religious and political extremists for distorting Biblical quotes to support their claim of Jesus being prophesized in the Old Testament. First of all, the...
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    Jim Caviezel: The ‘Victim of Jewish Vengeance’

    Actor Jim Caviezel has recently claimed his Hollywood career was wrecked by playing Jesus in Mel Gibson’s so-called anti-Semitic movie ‘The Passion of the Christ’. According to Jim,since playing the son of God in the 2004 film new offers had dried up and he is shunned by many within the...
  15. Unhypnotized

    When Were the Gospels Written?

    When Were the Gospels Written? What are the most accurate dates for the canonical gospels in the New Testament as we have them? Are these texts really the faithful accounts of eyewitnesses written shortly after Jesus's advent? Or does the evidence point to the gospels as anonymous compositions...
  16. Unhypnotized

    Jesus Christ May Not Have Died on Cross

    "No Evidence in Ancient Sources Backs Up Defining Symbol of Christianity, Scholar Says For 2,000 years the crucifix has been a potent symbol of both Jesus Christ's death and Christianity. Now one Swedish theologian says that despite the crucifix's proliferation in art and literature, there is...
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    Lost Book of Enoch "Watchers" and Giants

    Genesis 5:24 And Enoch walked with God: and he was not; for God took him. Hebrews 11:5 By faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death; and was not found, because God had translated him: for before his translation he had this testimony, that he pleased God. Jude 1:14 And Enoch also...
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    New Testament as History

    Introduction to New Testament (RLST 152) This course approaches the New Testament not as scripture, or a piece of authoritative holy writing, but as a collection of historical documents. Therefore, students are urged to leave behind their pre-conceived notions of the New Testament and read it...
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    Yale University Lectures - 1. Introduction: Why Study the New Testament?

    Introduction to New Testament (RLST 152) This course approaches the New Testament not as scripture, or a piece of authoritative holy writing, but as a collection of historical documents. Therefore, students are urged to leave behind their pre-conceived notions of the New Testament and read it...
  20. Unhypnotized

    The Dead Sea Scrolls: A Cover Up?

    Why, after 30 years, was John Allegro the only scholar to have published all the scroll texts allotted to him? Why were the others so reluctant to discuss differences of interpretation, or welcome the light that the scrolls shed on the origins of Christianity? John Allegro argues that the...