north atlantic treaty org

  1. day

    UFO Quotes by Those Who Know

    "We seek a free flow of information... we are not afraid to entrust the American people with unpleasant facts, foreign ideas, alien philosophies, and competitive values. For a nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehoods in an open market is a nation that is afraid of...
  2. Unhypnotized

    The U.S. Military?s German Fetish

    William Astore and Tom Engelhardt Campaign For Liberty Friday, February 19, 2010 Remember the 100 hours of combat that made up the first Gulf War, the mere weeks it took for Kabul to fall in the 2001 invasion of Afghanistan, or the “shock and awe” wave of air attacks that led off the 2003...
  3. Unhypnotized

    ' the new banking system !

    ' THE NEW BANKING SYSTEM BANKERS SECRET MEETINGS --AMERO &/or $ --Fulford AND Elitist Excerpts Of course Bernanke and Geithner were just in Iqaluit (Canada's arctic) for a G7 meeting, before the Australia meeting. Why so remote and then 'secret'? Here's Benjamin Fulford on the subject at...

    Anger as NATO airstrike kills 4 Afghan soldiers

    KABUL – A joint U.S.-Afghan force called in an airstrike on what turned out to be an Afghan army post after taking fire from there before dawn Saturday, killing four Afghan soldiers and prompting an angry demand for punishment from the country's defense ministry. Both NATO and Afghan...

    CIA bomber coerced to work for Jordan spy agency

    ZARQA, Jordan – The suspected Jordanian double agent who killed seven CIA officers in Afghanistan was thrown into jail by Jordanian intelligence to coerce him to track down al-Qaida's No. 2 leader, Mideast counterterrorism officials said Tuesday. The 32-year-old doctor's allegiance was to...
  6. Unhypnotized

    100th Monkey

    There is overwhelming evidence that Western intelligence services organized and carried out the heinous attacks of September 11th 2001. Distrust in government grows as the wars of aggression waged by the USA and NATO continue on the basis of these false flag operations. Eight years after...
  7. Unhypnotized

    9/11 was pretext for attacking Afghanistan

    Doug Nickason December 30, 2009 Editor: Hats off to Tom Beattie (The Times, Dec. 27) for his comments on the illegal invasion of Afghanistan, in which Canada is unfortunately a major player. While I’m at it, hats off to The Times for printing his letter...
  8. Unhypnotized

    Abandoning the Interventionist Temptation in Afghanistan

    Doug Bandow Campaign For Liberty Monday, Dec 28th, 2009 With al-Qaeda dispersed, Afghanistan doesn’t matter much to America. The country is a human tragedy, of course. But so are North Korea, Burma, Congo,Eritrea, Zimbabwe, Yemen, and Somalia. Rather than allow the Afghan mission to slide into...
  9. Unhypnotized

    Why 30? Airstrikes in Afghanistan keep killing exactly 30 people

    Russia Today Tuesday, Dec 22nd, 2009 U.S. bloggers have pointed out that every U.S. and NATO airstrike seemingly kills 30 people each time. They call this The Magic Numbers. One of the bloggers documented no less than 12 occasions in which news reports, relying on field commanders’ estimates...
  10. Unhypnotized

    Gordon Brown Says 100,000 Children Have Been Saved by Afghan War

    Patrick Wintour and Andrew Sparrow The Guardian December 15, 2009 Gordon Brown claimed today that the lives of 100,000 children had been saved as a result of the intervention of Britain and other Nato countries in Afghanistan. The prime minister made his claim in a Downing Street webchat...
  11. R

    "Climate Gate" Professor Phil Jones awarded £ 13 million in research grants

    "Climate Gate" Professor Phil Jones awarded £ 13 million in research grants by Robert Mendick Global Research, December 5, 2009 Telegraph Global Research Editor's Note The announcement of the award came one day after the announcement that Phil Jones was stepping down from the Climate...
  12. Unhypnotized

    NATO: ?Iran poses threat to the whole world?

    Amos Harel Haaretz December 5, 2009 Senior NATO officials last week called Iran’s nuclear and missile programs “a potential threat to the peace and security of the entire world.” The comments came in conversations with journalists during the meeting in Brussels last week of foreign ministers of...
  13. Unhypnotized

    U.S. Wars and the Opium Trade

    Sean Sailor Infowars December 3, 2009 When Turkey in the late 1940s became a site of NATO and US forces its rank became cemented as the number one supplier of opium to the heroin markets of the US and Europe. This illegal opium market was primarily centered in Europe, where the final...
  14. Unhypnotized

    Obama orders 1Million US Troops to "prepare for civil war"

    Has anyone in the US heard anything about this? Obama Orders 1 Million US Troops To “Prepare For Civil War” November 28, 2009 Russian Military Analysts are reporting to Prime Minister Putin that US President Barack Obama has issued orders to his Northern Command’s (USNORTHCOM) top leader, US...
  15. CASPER

    Bob Ainsworth criticises Barack Obama over Afghanistan

    Bob Ainsworth, the defence secretary, has blamed Barack Obama and the United States for the decline in British public support for the war in Afghanistan. The Defence Secretary's blunt remarks about the US threaten to strain further a transatlantic relationship Photo: REUTERS Mr...
  16. CASPER

    12 Afghans killed in attack on meeting with French

    TAGAB VALLEY, Afghanistan – Rockets slammed into a market northeast of Kabul on Monday, killing 12 civilians but missing their presumed target: a meeting between France's top general in Afghanistan and dozens of tribal elders and senior local officials. The attack also wounded 38 people, 20 of...
  17. CASPER

    Suicide bomber attacks military convoy near Kabul

    Suicide bomber attacks military convoy near Kabul KABUL – A suicide car bomber attempting to strike an international military convoy on the outskirts of Kabul wounded at least 24 people Friday, including nine NATO service members, on a road that has become a frequent target. With violence...
  18. Unhypnotized

    Is Tony Blair CIA?

    Geoff Vasil Infowars November 5, 2009 Tony Blair has been campaigning to be selected as the new leader of the post-Lisbon Treaty European Union. When Swiss police arrested filmmaker Roman Polanski recently, conspiracy buffs had to wonder at the timing. Susan Atkins, a...