oort cloud

  1. Unhypnotized

    Scientists, telescope hunt massive hidden object in space 2-15-11

    You know how you sometimes can sense that something is present even though you can't see it? Well, astronomers are getting that feeling about a giant, hidden object in space. And when we say giant, we mean GIANT. Evidence is mounting that either a brown dwarf star or a gas giant planet is...
  2. Unhypnotized

    Massive Dark Object 'Lurking on Edge of Solar System Hurling Comets at Earth'

    12-09-2010 07:45 AM 'A massive dark object may be lurking on the edge of our solar system, according to scientists. Most comets that fly into the inner solar system seem to come from the outer region of the Oort cloud -* a region of icy dust and debris left over from the birth of the solar...
  3. Unhypnotized

    Planet X is real! Scientists say so! - Massive dark object 'lurking on edge of solar system hurling comets at Earth'

    A massive dark object may be lurking on the edge of our solar system, according to scientists. Most comets that fly into the inner solar system seem to come from the outer region of the Oort cloud - a region of icy dust and debris left over from the birth of the solar system. The cloud...
  4. Unhypnotized

    Finally it is official - Giant Stealth Planet May Explain Rain of Comets from Solar System's Edge

    check it out - the story that vanished after appearing in the Washington Post in the 1980's has dramatically reappeared: Charles Q. Choi SPACE.com Contributor SPACE.com charles Q. Choi space.com Contributor space.com – Sat Dec 4, 9:00 am ET...
  5. Unhypnotized

    Evidence of a Jovian Mass Solar Companion in the Oort Cloud PEER-REVIEWED PLANET X?

    http://arxiv.org/abs/1004.4584 Download on the right. Persistent Evidence of a Jovian Mass Solar Companion in the Oort Cloud Authors: John J. Matese, Daniel P. Whitmire (Submitted on 26 Apr 2010) Abstract: We present an updated dynamical and statistical analysis of outer Oort cloud cometary...

    Suspected asteroid collision leaves trailing debris

    NASA's Hubble Space Telescope has observed a mysterious X-shaped debris pattern and trailing streamers of dust that suggest a head-on collision between two asteroids. Astronomers have long thought the asteroid belt is being ground down through collisions, but such a smashup has never been seen...
  7. Unhypnotized

    Comet/ G1.9 giant planetary body coming in to solar system

    A large planetary body has been seen coming in from the Oort Cloud, presently 60AU distance. Don't know if this is the planet X from the past, but its impact would be similar. " Russia Prepares For Asteroid Strike As New Comet Nears Sun Russian scientists are reporting today that our Sun’s worst...
  8. New UFO Hunter

    Top Secret Document of CNI(The spanish CIA):Proxima Centauri inhabited!(PDF)

    Source> http://www.divulgation-extraterrestr...s.secretos.pdf This is a "low budget"google translation of 1 part of the photographed document: Document photographed-Archives of National Intelligence Center (CNI) of Spain. It lacks the last leaf, the officer apparently did not get a snapshot...
  9. R

    Nibiru updates march 2009

    Nibiru updates march 2009 In the late 19th century, it is said that ancient tablets were discovered in what is now modern day Iraq. Once deciphered it is claimed, they tell the story of an alien civilization which came to earth from the planet Nibiru. Supposedly This planet passes through our...
  10. R

    Missing space rocks indicate planetary migration Monday, March 2, 2009

    Missing space rocks indicate planetary migration Monday, March 2, 2009 Scientists from the University of Arizona have encountered a strange case of missing asteroids. The asteroid belt between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter, contains millions of rocky objects. Simulations predict a lot...