
  1. 2

    [Update!] well here goes...

    Well, we are entering a new chapter, it seems my friend is going to the dr tomorrow with "an entourage". The neighbor two doors down from us is going with us and the immediate neighbor who is an ex marine is going to be driving us over there and then there's me, I carry an extra oxygen tank...
  2. 2

    [Update!] My friend: Back on Meds

    Well after a week and a half with no medication it really affected her this time. :frown: She has had three near falls already :frown:, just mostly going to the bathroom, I feel so inadequate, because of my heigh 4' ft 11 in and small frame, I just can't help her lift up if she does, and with...
  3. 2

    [Rant] Well it looks like it's happening again

    Those of you who have read some of my posts know some of the problems of my friend who's like a mom to me. Well after the cab driver who came in and took her to the parking and helped her in the cab and folded up the wheel chair and put it in the back of the cab "without numerous complaints...
  4. Denise

    Revelations of the man involved in the creation of Morgellons Disease

    Some information on the terrible disease: More here: http://www.morgellonsexposed.com/RevelationsOfaMan.htm http://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin...gi?read=248924
  5. T

    Lots of sleep and sudden death For women and men

    Allah almighty ordered us to pray in night (the last third period of night) as it is considered to be the most important kind of worshiping Allah the only creator, what is the new about the importance of waking up in the night? ... Allah says in the holly Qur'an about this life: "O my people...
  6. Truth Vibrations

    Fusion Torch Can Create New Raw Materials

    January 1, 2004 • 12:00 AM Marjorie Mazel Hecht reports: How soon the world might run out of necessary resources and raw materials, from drinkable water to strategic minerals, should be no concern for panic, rationing, or calls for population control. We have the ability now to create the...
  7. White Rabbit

    Chemtrailing May Be Re-Terraforming by an (Alien Species)..?

    by George Paxinos - November 13, 2011 Millions of years ago, when our Earth was still very warm and had an anaerobic atmosphere, an air without oxygen, life in that era allegedly lived on sulfates, as our aerobic plants and organisms today live on oxygen instead. Then blue-green algae...
  8. New UFO Hunter

    Atmosphere on Venus Discovered

    Proof of possible live on Venus? Venus springs ozone layer surprise By Jennifer Carpenter Science reporter, BBC News Artist's impression of the detection of ozone on Venus' night side Continue reading the main story Related Stories Venus 'still volcanically active' Ozone has 'strong climate...
  9. Denise

    NASA's cloud machine? .... or the sounding of a stargate wormhole opening

    What an interesting "pack of deception" ..... this technology may be associated with a liquid fuel technology ... but the cloud-like emission of hydrogen and oxygen ... is the by product emission of a very advance machinery technology ... It is works of a dielectric field of liquid H2O held...
  10. Denise

    The Secret Ingredient In Your Orange Juice ... just for the sake of knowing

    Do you buy orange juice at the store? If you do, I’m sure you’re careful to buy the kind that’s 100% juice and not made from concentrate. After all, that’s the healthier kind, right? The more natural kind? The kind without any additives? The kind that’s sold in the refrigerator section so it...
  11. New UFO Hunter

    UFOs (1948, Kentucky)

    At 1.45pm on the 7January 1948 the control tower of Godman Airforce Base in Kentucky got a call from The State Highway Patrol. They said that townspeople about eighty miles away had reported seeing a strange aircraft in the sky. Godman personnel checked and informedthe police that there were no...
  12. Denise

    Apollo 13 commander: 'In space you need faith in fellow man'

    James Lovell, the commander of the Apollo 13 mission which failed to land on the moon because of an explosion, shared his recollections with RT and explained why faith matters on a space mission. The mission, which was launched from Kennedy Space Center in Florida on April 11, 1970, was however...
  13. CASPER

    Oxygen Molecules Discovered in Deep Space for First Time

    Astronomers can finally breathe a sigh of relief: A team of scientists has discovered the first oxygen molecules in deep space, capping a nearly 230-year search for the elusive cosmic molecule. The oxygen molecules were detected in a star-forming region of the Orion nebula, roughly 1,500...
  14. Lady of Light

    Forest density study blows hole in excess CO2 myth and the need for carbon tax

    http://www.naturalnews.com/032884_fo...nsity_CO2.html Forest density study blows hole in excess CO2 myth and the supposed need for carbon taxes (NaturalNews) We have all heard it before. Humans are supposedly producing too much carbon dioxide (CO2), which is contributing to "global warming"...
  15. CASPER

    "Are We Alone?"

    —by which it doesn't mean in the bedroom or dining room, but the universe. The answer is a demi-hopeful "possibly not," although whatever other life exists Out There in the pettipoint billions of planet possibilities might be no more than a gelid smear that quivers in light and quiets in the...
  16. W

    For those who deny UFO's?

    For everyone out there who passes off every UFO sighting as people just looking for attention, what's your retort to all the testimonials by former government staff who have confessed with all seriousness that they have worked with, seen and investigated extraterrestrial craft? I've looked at...
  17. CASPER

    Cargo spacecraft docks at orbiting station

    MOSCOW – Russian Mission Control says a cargo spacecraft has docked at the International Space Station, delivering food, fuel, oxygen, scientific equipment and packages for the U.S.-Russian-Italian crew. The unmanned Progress M-09M blasted off Friday from the Baikonur cosmodrome carrying more...
  18. CASPER

    NASA's Day of Remembrance for Apollo 1, Challenger and Columbia

    The last Thursday in January is considered a day of remembrance at NASA, honoring those astronauts who died in the line of duty. They include the crews of Apollo 1,STS 51-L Challenger, and STS-107 Columbia. On Jan. 27, 1967, during a plugs out pad test of the Apollo 1 capsule, a fire broke out...
  19. New UFO Hunter

    UFO 'Death Ray' kills 1000's of fish in Columbia

    Google translation:
  20. funbunz29

    Bigger Not Better: Porn Star Dies After Breast Enlargement

    A German porn star went into a coma and died after undergoing her sixth breast enlargement. Carolin Berger, who used the stage name "Cora" in adult films, underwent the cosmetic surgery in an attempt to boost her popularity, the Daily Mail reported today. The 23-year-old blond beauty was in a...