[Update!] My friend: Back on Meds


New member
Well after a week and a half with no medication it really affected her this time. :frown:

She has had three near falls already :frown:, just mostly going to the bathroom, I feel so inadequate, because of my heigh 4' ft 11 in and small frame, I just can't help her lift up if she does, and with no real neighbors I call 911. The first and second was when her leg fell asleep she has problems with no.2. and was just sitting for too long. This last time she was coming out and got her oxygen cord hooked on the bakers rack we have in small hall way. Fortunate she fell on the sofa.

We are very cramped but alot of times she holds onto when she comes out, we figured 15 min. time so her leg and foot wouldn't fall asleep for the bathroom visits.

These meds must be more powerful then the other dr was giving her, when he quit issuing them, she lasted 2 years without them. This time its only a week and a half, before that we cut them to make them stretch, and its affected her this way.

Still have not found an adequate answer to the transportation problem.:frown: They don't even want to help me go to the store, here they really aren't too nice around here.
I am so sorry to hear about your struggle. I wish I could make life easier for everyone. Depending on where you live, you might be eligible for social support. I know in Los Angeles County there are numerous social programs that help coordinate help for those who need it. Sounds to me like you are in need. If you would like to private message me with the county you live in I can check my links and point you in a direction for obtaining the help to improve your situation.
Talk to your local ombudsman or to Adult Protective Services. You're in a potentially dangerous situation. You could both end up hurt from her falling.

hi thank you again for your sympathy and concern, i checked about the ombudsman, but as far as i could tell we only have them in conjunction with hospitals and nursing homes. The woman with her meals (a social worker said she was going to turn her name over to someone else. But the state is very slow in things like this unfortunately. :frown:

We in the meantime after a talk with her, worked out a system apparently she loses track of time in there, so she stays(, now no longer than 15 minutes, and a clock in there or gone on one of my many trips to the store 9i get what i can carry0 until she gets a little stronger. :)
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Was trying to pm you hope you got this last one, my stupid wi-fi isn't always the best.:frown: Thank you again for your sympathy, maybe two heads are better than one.
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Do yourself a favor and document everything. When she almost fell, what caused it, when you talked to a social worker, the name, what was said. I know the wheels of beauracracy are pretty much rusted in place. It took five years for my ex to get someone to listen and get his mom some help. I think it finally happened after she called the local judge, in his chambers, and asked him to come get the dead squirrels out of her bed. Maybe your friend just needs to annoy the right person.

That's terrible to take 5 years to do something for someone who clearly needs help. What's wrong with that picture?

Sounds like a good idea :) I've even thought of contacting of contacting someone in the local media to pitch a story idea one station has helped her out before, once when she got behind on the light bill, and someone at the station paid two months worth of light bill on the condition of anonymity, and then prior to that the same station helped her with the arrangements made at the funeral home for her husband, they were trying to charge her for a prepaid (she does have a small policy that will pay enough for furneral arrangements, but it's not the kind you can borrow on) when she couldn't afford that all she wanted to do was buy the plot next to her husband. All he wanted was a physical letter of thanks But I have to get her permission to agree with this and she's not quite there yet. She's still fairly sharp with her mind.

Meanwhile her niece called tonight, she thinks she might have found some help for her transportation problem through the Moose lodge. :) A friend of a friend. but we don't know when this will happen. Hopefully before she runs out of meds again, and hope it works out.