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    [Must Read!] The Little Known New Madrid Pipeline Bomb

    Now another thing coming to light. What are they doing? Do they know or more importantly do they care? As if the fault wasn't enough to consider now this? It seems as if they aren't happy unless they mess with somethings that obviously they don't really understand. What else is out there we...
  2. 100th Monkey

    Ground-Shaking Booms Puzzle Louisville, Tennessee Neighborhood - Sep. 29, 2011

    "Louisville residents searching for the source of an unexplained ground-shaking boom can scratch another theory off the list. A Loudon County resident speculated on Thursday that the noise could have come from maintenance on an underground pipeline (see previous story below). The Plantation...
  3. Truth Vibrations

    Mackenzie pipeline decision coming Thursday

    If approved, the 1,200-kilometre Mackenzie Valley pipline could be built to transport natural gas from the Beaufort Sea through the N.W.T.'s Mackenzie River Valley to a hub in northwestern Alberta. The National Energy Board will say Thursday whether it will approve the long-awaited Mackenzie...

    Dhaka to revive talks on Myanmar-India gas link

    Bangladesh will restart negotiations over a long standing proposal for a pipeline across its territory that would take natural gas from Myanmar to India, a senior energy official said on Thursday. "We have received a green signal from Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina and forwarded the proposal to...
  5. R

    Pakistan endorses Iran-Pakistan-India gas pipeline

    Pakistan endorses Iran-Pakistan-India gas pipeline June 3rd, 2009 in Breaking News WAM. WAM Islamabad, Jun 03rd, 2009 (WAM): The government of Pakistan has endorsed the proposed gas pipeline project spanning Iran, Pakistan and India. Iran and Pakistan had signed the deal on 25th May for...