
  1. Truth Vibrations

    Ben Fulford June 16, 2014: Are all of these emergency meetings of world leaders leading to some big announcement?

    June 16, 2014 Weekly geo-political news and analysis Full report here.
  2. 100th Monkey

    'Martial Law in Effect' Signs delivered to FEMA Region 3?

    What's going on, First we have Joe Biden holding the "CODEWORD" book and now this: More: 'FEMA Region 3' Author Senator Songstad, Makes Public Statement - | Intellihub News
  3. R

    Nasrallah committed to liberate Palestine

    On Friday, Hizbullah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, surprised both his followers and enemies by attending the International Quds Day rally in person to deliver an alive speech. His move, against the objection of his security personnel, shows his dedication for Palestinians dream of liberation...
  4. 100th Monkey

    Meteor Crash, This Time In CUBA

    Cuba, 15.02.2013 Residents of a locality ‘in the central region of Cuba said they had seen an object that fell from the sky and exploded with a great noise, which shook the houses of the place: it is learned from testimonies collected by local television. In service published this morning by...
  5. Unhypnotized

    M3.5 Solar Flare / Eastern Limb (February 24)

    The sunspot region hiding on the eastern limb is now able to be seen rotating into view and a M3.5 Solar Flare took place at 07:23 UTC around this region. More to follow

    [Wow!] At least 160 dead as rains pummel Brazil regions

    37 mins ago RIO DE JANEIRO – Floods and landslides devastated mountain towns near Rio de Janeiro, killing 147 people and bringing the death toll on Wednesday from heavy rains in southern Brazil to at least 160. At least 122 people were killed in Teresopolis, about 62 miles north of Rio, town...
  7. Unhypnotized

    The Moon Gets in the Way (again)

    Here comes the Moon! Right on schedule the Moon passes between SDO and the Sun, seen here in the AIA 171 bandpass. We use these transits to understand the pointing of the spacecraft. One of these transits will someday block out an active region so that we can study the energy in that region with...
  8. R

    Magnitude 7.9 - TONGA REGION

    March 19th, 2009 in Breaking News Magnitude 7.9 - TONGA REGION. * Thursday, March 19, 2009 at 18:17:40 UTC * Friday, March 20, 2009 at 06:17:40 AM at epicenter * Time of Earthquake in other Time Zones Location 23.021°S, 174.700°W Depth 34 km (21.1 miles) set by location program Region TONGA...