
  1. Truth Vibrations

    Woody Harrelson is dead?

    Not sure if this is true but I am posting it anyway! THIS STORY IS STILL DEVELOPING... http://woody.harrelson.mediafetcher....tor_queensland
  2. 100th Monkey

    Ag-Gag laws: Utah Woman being prosecuted for videoing slaughterhouse from the road!

    Eye opening article a must read: More:
  3. Atehequa

    Frogs Pond

    Over 35 years ago we would sometimes camp and swim at a place the locals called Frogs Pond, probably for all the frogs that lived there. Having no parking area, the only way we could get there was to be dropped off with our gear and supplies in front of an old mostly overgrown dirt road which...
  4. White Rabbit

    Newt Gingrich Denies Bohemian Grove Existence: Some People Have "Fantasy Lives"

    "Please help support our existence so we can do more road trips to primary states and ask the questions that are never asked"

    Serengeti road will impact migration: leaked study

    NAIROBI, Kenya – An environmental impact study on a road Tanzania wants to build through the Serengeti found that it may affect the famed wildebeest migration and threaten endangered species, according to a copy of the leaked report. Tanzanian President Jakaya Kikwete, though, says his...

    On a Drop of Rain

    Late in the day, the rain abating, I force myself outside for my daily walk. I do not go far. Everything is doused and diamonded with water. Even the stones seem polished. At each bud of every scrub roadside tree, and even on the thorns of wild roses, hangs a drop of rain— as if someone had...
  7. M

    New Orleans, Louisiana, 2009 Super Bowl Champions, etc

    Super Bowl is Championship game for NFL. From all the appearances is back or still on the road to recovery. Depending were you are there.
  8. Unhypnotized

    Rick Perry challenger Kay Bailey latches onto anti-toll road sentiment in bid for TX

    January 12, 2010 Texans For Kay TV Ad: “Road Signs” With Rick Perry the common opponent, long-time establishment candidate and Bilderberg-steering member Kay Bailey Hutchison latches onto widespread anti-toll road sentiment, accurately calling it a ‘land grab’ for the benefit of foreign...
  9. Unhypnotized


    Compassion is the ultimate and most meaningful embodiment of emotional maturity. It is through compassion that a person achieves the highest peak and deepest reach in his or her search for self-fulfillment. Compassion is not sentiment but is making justice and doing works of mercy. Compassion...
  10. CASPER

    Going on Vacation Again

    Will be back around the 21st of August going on second Road Trip to Baja Mex..You guy's take Care.....
  11. R

    Will the US Strike Itself Again?

    Seems like we are in for a bumpy road ahead
  12. Unhypnotized

    Dumb Signs…warnings&cid=10 Boyne Falls, Michigan, U.S. 131 Do not pass while opposing traffic present. Rim Drive, Durango, CO Warning: Do Not Hit This Sign Various Parts of Jamaica In Jamaica, they call Speed Bumps “Sleeping Policemen”, so in some...