
  1. Truth Vibrations

    [Video] Dr. Robert Duncan on Mind Control

    Starts at about 1:34:00. Wroth watch if you ahve benn fallowing Robert Duncan at all.
  2. Truth Vibrations

    Breaking news: Afghan massacre soldier Robert Bales gets life sentence

    An actual war crime with suitable jugement. 23 August 2013 More: BBC News - Afghan massacre soldier Robert Bales gets life sentence ABC World News: Afghan Massacre: Video From Shooting Scene
  3. New UFO Hunter

    NATO Intelligence Analyst Former US Army Command Sergeant Major Robert Dean - UFO

    Former US Army Command Sergeant Major Robert Dean quoting CIA Victor Marchetti - UFO secrecy Former US Army Command Sergeant Major Robert Dean - World Intelligence & the global conspiracy Former US Army Command Sergeant Major Robert Dean - Fact ETs are living amongst us Former US Army...
  4. Truth Vibrations

    Must Read: The Matrix Deciphered by Dr Robert Duncan

    Here is a PDF file by Dr. Robert Duncan. It's truly worth browsing. Do not be deterred from various of his terms. You will discover nuggets of information inside well worth pursuing. Get it before it disappears!
  5. 100th Monkey

    AIDS/HIV Manmade

    I already knew about AIDS being man made, this video shows the man who created AIDS: Robert Gallo. Think about the bad karma he has!!
  6. Truth Vibrations

    Year-long Stay on ET Base - Meeting of Galactic Federation with French farmer

    I found this fascinating, wondered what you guys think? A 40-year silence was imposed following his return, and in 2005, Robert L. came forward ... Posted August 4, 2012 In 1969, a French farmer was asked to spend one year living and working at a subterranean base in the Himalayas. •...
  7. 100th Monkey

    Dr Robert Gallo created AIDS

    Anyone know if this it true?
  8. Denise

    Robbert van den Broeke, alien or Entities appearances on video

    The thing that you observe occurring on this video footage is a individual known as Robert Van Den Brook, that is a medium and supposedly has communication with ETs, recording on his own during meditation, but once this footage is played in reverse it reveals imagery of entities emerging. Robert...
  9. Denise

    Amazing predictions from 1958 that came true!

    Robert Welch talking in 1958:
  10. Aragorn

    Real: Haunted Dolls

    Robert The Doll Probably the most famous haunted plaything ever, Robert is a doll that now resides – happily, they say - in The East Martello Museum in Key West, Florida. Robert the Possessed Haunted Doll of Key West. Many of you are already acquainted with Robert, the lifelong companion...
  11. R

    Free Speech TV Amy Goodman Talks to Robert Scheer About ‘The Pornography of Power’

    Free Speech TV Amy Goodman Talks to Robert Scheer About ‘The Pornography of Power’ Robert Scheer tells Amy Goodman about his new book on Friday’s “Democracy Now!” telecast. “Democracy Now!” host Amy Goodman sat down with Truthdig Editor Robert Scheer on Friday to...