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    Study: Marijuana Not Linked With Long Term Cognitive Impairment

    Maia Szalavitz The idea that “marijuana makes you dumb” has long been embodied in the stereotype of the slow, stupid stoner, seen in numerous Hollywood movies and TV comedies and going unquestioned by much of American culture. But a new study says no: the researchers followed nearly 2,000 young...
  2. Unhypnotized

    No, a Little Radiation Is NOT Good For You

    Washington’s Blog May 1, 2011 Government scientists and media shills are now “reexamining” old studies that show that radioactive substances like plutonium cause cancer to argue that exposure to low doses of radiation are good for us … a theory called “hormesis”. It is not just bubbleheads...

    A New Cancer On the Rise

    A New Cancer On the Rise Throat cancers are fast-growing and hard to diagnose. Here, lifesaving information you need to know Throat cancer strikes tens of thousands of Americans annually, but chances are it only recently hit your radar (Michael Douglas' diagnosis spotlighted the disease...
  4. Unhypnotized

    Health Authorities Evasive in Answering Perplexing Questions About This Year’s Flu Va

    Bill Sardi Lew Wednesday, Oct 21st, 2009 Major news sources are making attempts to rescue what appears to be flagging demand for flu shots in an already unforgettable flu season. The Chicago Tribune published a report saying flu vaccines are “safe and time tested,” but in reality...
  5. Unhypnotized

    Obamacare: Get in Shape or Pay

    David S. Hilzenrath The Washington Post October 16, 2009 Get in shape or pay a price. That’s a message more Americans could hear if the health care reform bills passed by the Senate Finance and Health committees become law. By more than doubling the maximum rewards and penalties that...

    Lifestyle May Counter Blood Pressure Genes

    Being born with genes that predispose you to high blood pressure doesn't mean you're doomed to have it, a long-term study shows. "It's been known for many years that blood pressure is affected by genes," said Dr. Nora Franceschini, an assistant professor of epidemiology at the University of...
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    Man- Body, Consciousness

    Man Sunday, April 5, 2009 Star People,NL Body, Consciousness What is a man? When I look to myself I see a "body" as my means of transportation, and somewhere in that body, I, my consciousness. I always ask myself that I is somewhere behind my eyes, and between the ears. I think that many...
  8. Unhypnotized

    Funny Newspaper Headlines Funny newspaper headlines (collected by journalists) – Something Went Wrong In Jet Crash, Expert Says – Police Begin Campaign To Run Down Jaywalkers – Saftey Experts Say School Bus Passengers Should Be Belted – Drunk Gets Nine Months In Violin...