
  1. D

    Clouverse, Social Network for Conspiracy Theories, Launches New Design

    Clouverse launches new web design features. Ann Arbor, MI —, the forum-based social network for conspiracy theory discussions, has announced the launched of its new website design. The design marks a next step for Clouverse, by providing users with an easy interface to an...
  2. White Rabbit

    "RACE" - An invention to prevent the unification of the working poor slaves!

    This I find fascinating: Source:
  3. Truth Vibrations

    Ben Affleck cast as Batman causes social media outrage, but real world issues unnoticed.

    Ben Affleck has been cast as the new Batman, people when crazy all over the social media wanting him to be removed. They even started petitions on on and on the “We the People” section of the White House website. How pathetic are these people, how about the central banks or smart...
  4. 100th Monkey

    Why you should deactivate Facebook - in MSM: Sydney Morning Herald

    This was in the MSM today, wow! More:
  5. 100th Monkey


    HOW TO PROTECT YOURSELF FROM THE NSA! Published on 11 Jun 2013 How to protect yourself from Prism, and other wiretaps Jim Marrs | - A View From Marrs If you want to stay out of the ireful, omnipresent eye of the US and other governments, Prism, and the extensive wiretaps that undoubtedly...
  6. 100th Monkey

    First they tried "Real ID" now: Biometric Database of All Adult Americans Hidden in Immigration Reform

    There is always another trick up their sleeve!
  7. 2

    [Problem!] Still having some trouble

    I think in my friends mind being without those pills for a week and half, well its all in the head as they say (before that we had to cut them in half, to stretch them out, because we figured we'd have some trouble with the dr) it's somehwat problematic now. Before she wasn't getting enough...
  8. Denise

    Is not joining Facebook a sign you're a psychopath? [Daily mail, UK]

    This is discussing!! More:
  9. Rumas

    How anything you've EVER said on the internet could be seen by employers as Feds ...

    ... approve firm that dishes dirt on applicants Company keeps information on its records for SEVEN YEARS Uses special software to track down applicants' online pseudonyms Means social media postings will become regular part of job application process Government rules company doesn't breach...
  10. Truth Vibrations

    Egyptian tweets foil Internet blocks While the Internet is still effectively shut down in Egypt, more and more social media users are finding a way to get online and get their messages across.
  11. funbunz29

    Social Skills Training And Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder ADHD

    Social skills training helps the child or adult who has attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) be less aggressive and impulsive, manage anger, and behave in a more socially acceptable way. Techniques include: Coaching. Role-playing. Watching videotapes of good behavior. Practicing ways...
  12. Unhypnotized

    Social Structure and Contract Law

    In this video you will see how contract law can and does destroy social structure and norms. It seems like you can't get anything done in this world without a contract or getting 'paper on it'. There are many other videos of such nature...
  13. Unhypnotized

    Cut Social Security to Fund the War?

    07-03-2010 03:57 AM 'In a remarkable interview with the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, House Republican Leader John Boehner explicitly called for cutting Social Security in order to pay for the war in Afghanistan. The article reports: "Ensuring there's enough money to pay for the war will...
  14. Unhypnotized

    China insider sees revolution brewing

    JOHN GARNAUT Sydney Morning Herald Feb 28, 2010 BEIJING: China’s top expert on social unrest has warned that hardline security policies are taking the country to the brink of ”revolutionary turmoil”. In contrast with the powerful, assertive and united China that is being projected to the...
  15. Unhypnotized

    CIA invests in social media monitoring company

    James Quilter Brand Republic October 22, 2009 US intelligence agency, the CIA, has formed a “strategic partnership and technology development agreement” with Visible Technologies, a company specialising in data-mining social-networking sites such as Twitter, Flickr and YouTube. In-Q-Tel, the...