
  1. Denise

    Saul ~ We are Euphoric as Humanity's Awakening Approaches ~ September 13, 2011

    We – all of God’s divine creation – are almost euphoric as we observe the moment of humanity’s awakening approaching rapidly. The “we” includes you, because deep within you, where you know that you are divine beings, you too are well aware of the momentous event that has been meticulously...
  2. Denise

    SaLuSa ~ Keep Your Eye on Ascension ~ September 11, 2011

    It is a case of biding your time, as you perceive matters moving along at a quick pace that is surprising in view of where you just a year ago. Whilst you had been hoping for the elusive announcement of Disclosure, other factors necessary to completion were also receiving a lot of attention from...
  3. Denise

    Letting Go of All You Know Lisa Renee, Energetic Synthesis, September 2011

    Lisa Renee, Energetic Synthesis, September 2011 http://www.energeticsynthesis.com/in...lyv&Itemid=113 Dear Family, We are not turning back. The future of humanity, the future direction of the human species is at stake and the ante has been raised. We are in the best of times and the worst...
  4. Denise

    Dr. Jude Currivan: New Insights into the Conscious Universe

    Science & Spirituality series. Dr. Jude Currivan: New Insights into the Conscious Universe - Broadcasted at suprememastertv.com "Having experienced multi-dimensional realities since the age of four, Dr. Currivan was guided to pursue a career that integrates the latest developments in physics...
  5. Denise

    Kryon ~ The Humanization of God ~ Lee Carroll

    Totowa, New Jersey 16th July, 2011 As channelled by Lee Carroll for Kryon Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. So I return again with a message about perception. The shift that is going on now within this planet, at the moment, is about you. It's about communicating. For...
  6. Denise

    Saul ~ You Are Love, You Are Peace, You Are Stability ~ John Smallman

    As you approach the end of your journey, which has taken you to the farthest reaches of your imaginary reality, rejoice! Because at last you are coming Home... Home to the magnificent divine welcome that awaits each of you when you complete the journey – a journey that has been long...
  7. Denise

    SaLuSa ~ Open Up Your Heart ~ Laura Tyco ~September 5, 2011

    Laura: Good afternoon SaLuSa. Here is our first question: “A question that worries me a lot is, do I have to physically die on Earth to ask for illumination and preparation for Ascension, or can I do this in this terrestrial life with discipline? Invoking my guardian angels and the Light...
  8. Denise

    Wanderer of the Skies ~ Another Window for Disclosure Opens ~ September 7, 2011

    As matters are now progressing more rapidly than even we had hoped for, we felt it necessary for you to have this next update now. Two important matters have come to a head in your societies. The first is that the banking concerns have made the necessary exchanges to shift the monetary...
  9. New UFO Hunter

    Green UFO Seen Over San Francisco, California on Sept 4, 2011

    This is cool: Date of sighting: September 4, 2011 Location of sighting: San Francisco, California, USA Eyewitness states: "Video cam cording of UFO Mothership stationed over head stationed to rotate with the earths rotation. I talk about the spiritual aspects of what seems to be...
  10. Denise

    Sheldan Nidle ~ Restoring your Inalienable Rights ~ August 30 2011

    4 Ik, 15 Uo, 8 Manik Dratzo! We return! Your world is beginning to feel the effects of the great change which will overturn major governments and restore your inalienable rights. This massive transformation is sending shock waves rippling through your global network of stock markets and...
  11. New UFO Hunter

    UFO Cluster with Dimensional Stargates captured on Vancouver video

    http://www.examiner.com/ufo-in-vanco...ancouver-video Jon Kelly Vancouver UFO Examiner August 29, 2011 A cluster of multi-colored UFO’s using dimensional gateways to enter and exit the earth’s atmosphere was captured on multiple cameras in the skies over Vancouver, BC on Saturday, August...
  12. Denise

    Morning Blessing ~ Evolutionary Spiritual Path Just Got Wider ~ Angela Peregoff

    When the universe gives you a thumbs up sign, be ready and eager to take a great leap forward. September begins on an auspicious and potentially lucrative note as we continue the journey past all that cannot support our light bodies and soul selves. Take a new look this week at what transpired...
  13. Denise

    Vegans - Ignorant murderers & hypocrites

    Since there is so much misconception from the New Age scene and Alternative movement these days on "vegan lifestyle" and "vegetarianism" I feel I must address this topic some. Now, this is intended towards those whom have decided to eat plants and botanical lifeforms for certain "spiritual"...
  14. Denise

    Hilarion's Weekly Message: Received by Marlene Swetlishof

    Hilarion's Weekly Message: August 28-September 4, 2011 Received by Marlene Swetlishoff ================================================= Beloved Ones, The times of great transformation are now upon you. Each of you is undergoing tremendous alchemical processes within your four lower bodies...
  15. Denise

    Conquering One's Body Using Your Spirit

    I Discovered This fascinating write-up, I Want to share: Many people nowadays are controlled by the body a lot more than their spirit, and due to this there exists a great low morality and awareness. The moment you toss in a spiritual approach such as reincarnation each one of our...
  16. Denise

    A message from Ashtar and Sananda about Ascension

    ASHTAR: 144,000 The Ashtar Command have predicted that those who ascend in the first wave will be given the opportunity to return to the Earth in the ascended state, to awaken the rest of humanity to the ascension opportunity. The Keys of Enoch support this prediction by speaking of the...
  17. Denise

    Benefit from Living Right Now: Council of 12 Through Selacia

    Council of 12: Benefit from Living Right Now Through Selacia August 26, 2011 ====================================== Living right now has unique benefits. You are more likely to receive the gifts of this life when you understand what the gifts are and how they can change your evolutionary path...