
  1. Truth Vibrations

    Mark Cleminson - Testimony of a former Illuminati member

    Mark Cleminson - Testimony of a former Illuminati member
  2. New UFO Hunter

    National Reconnaissance Office USAF Master Sergeant Daniel M Salter - Germany recovered ETs in 1932

    Full Testimony:
  3. New UFO Hunter

    330 Videos from witnesses - mainly military - some civilian

    The playlists are constantly being updated and added to so are subject to change. 200 videos witness testimony https://www.youtube.com/playlist?lis...B600EA19929E14 130 videos witness testimony https://www.youtube.com/playlist?lis...HtBLC8ULjRTaEN
  4. New UFO Hunter

    Saucers Over D.C.

    Historic wittiness testimony out of the Sirius archives.
  5. Boiling Frog

    Satanists Are Real: Why Missing People Statistics Are Never Made Public

    US has been infiltrated with Satanists in their Police, Courts, Government even other regions, watch these video and see if you feel the same about our world afterwords. Disturbing testimony from a former satanist lot of twisted people out there... Daughter of Satanist High Priest Tells...
  6. New UFO Hunter

    Contactee - Ernie Sears 1933 incident

    Here is a video of the testimony of the late Ernie Sears speaking of the 1933 incident.
  7. New UFO Hunter

    Witness Testimony of 1952 Washington DC UFO's

    here is some great witness testimony on the sighting! Video description: The first happened in 1965-66 era and it was over the Potomac River only a couple of miles from the White House. My wife and I were on the GW parkway which runs along the Potomac river when I looked over the river and...
  8. New UFO Hunter

    High-Level UFO Insider Dr. Michael Wolf's Alien Contact Disclosure Testimony

  9. White Rabbit

    Testimony of a former Illuminati

    This testimony talks about the life of a former Illuminati insider.
  10. Unhypnotized

    Six reasons why you should think before you speak

    Think before you speak... Here are six reasons why you should think before you speak - The last one is great! Have you ever spoken and wished that you could Immediately take the words back... Or that you could crawl into a hole? Here are the Testimonials of a few people who did.... FIRST...
  11. R

    New September 11th First Responders Testimony. Recorded 8/11/09

    New September 11th First Responders Testimony. Recorded 8/11/09 YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.