washington dc

  1. Unhypnotized

    The battle of 9/11’s ailing first responders

    Jerry Mazza Online Journal Sunday, February 14th, 2010 As Susan Edelman reported in the NY Post’s billable billions, the legal battle of ailing 9/11 first responders for compensation at Ground Zero will bring literally billions in billable hours to defense lawyers. These fees could amount to...
  2. R

    The U.S. Economic Crisis: Jobs Continue to Vanish While the media applaud "Recovery"

    The U.S. Economic Crisis: Jobs Continue to Vanish While the media applaud "Recovery" by Shamus Cooke At first glance it appeared there was a typo in the headlines. The national media reported that in January, another 20.000 more jobs were lost. Somehow, the unemployment rate dropped, from 10...
  3. Unhypnotized

    Newborns? DNA Routinely Harvested For Government Bio Banks

    Genes are considered the property of big brother Steve Watson Infowars.net Monday, Feb 8th, 2010 The government is harvesting samples of DNA from every newborn child in the country, storing them in monolithic bio banks and providing them to outside researchers and other agencies such as the...
  4. Unhypnotized

    Iran detains 7 ’spies’ tied to US-funded radio station

    Gavin Dahl Raw Story Monday, February 8th, 2010 Iran has arrested seven people linked to a Farsi-language radio station funded in part by the United States, accusing them of fomenting unrest. According to the Associated Press, the Official Iranian News Agency and state radio both cited a...
  5. Unhypnotized

    RFK, Jr. 15 months ago: Global warming means no snow or cold in DC

    David Freddoso Washington Examiner Monday, February 8th, 2010 Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who flies around on private planes so as to tell larger numbers of people how they must live their lives in order to save the planet, wrote a column last year on the lack of winter weather in Washington, D.C...
  6. Unhypnotized

    DC, Mid-Atlantic Bracing for ?Snowmageddon?

    Paul Yeager and Russell Berman AOL News Friday, February 5, 2010 (Feb. 5) — The second massive — and potentially record-breaking — snowstorm of this winter has begun pounding the Mid-Atlantic region. The storm already has been dubbed “Snowmageddon” as it is expected to dump 1 to 2 feet of...
  7. day

    Funny Things on Google Earth

  8. Unhypnotized

    Google, NSA ‘alliance’ has privacy advocate alarmed

    Stephen C. Webster Raw Story Friday, February 5th, 2010 In the wake of Chinese-based cyber attacks against Google’s corporate infrastructure, search giant Google turned to the U.S. National Security Agency to help it combat security threats, according to a published report. It’s a move that...
  9. day

    Nature out of Balance: Koyaanisqatsi is a Hopi word meaning ‘Life out of Balance.”

    Nature out of Balance: Koyaanisqatsi is a Hopi word meaning ‘Life out of Balance.” Giant snakes taking over Florida everglades In July of 2009, an 8-foot long pet Burmese python, one of the world's longest snakes, escaped from its terrarium and crawled into the Florida bedroom of a 2-year-old...
  10. Unhypnotized

    How Weed Won the West: Marijuana Legalization is a Crucial Issue for the Liberty Move

    Kurt Nimmo Prison Planet.com Tuesday, February 2, 2010 Jonathan Perri, writing for the Los Angeles Times, declares the war against drugs a dismal failure. Perri mentions an op-ed penned by D.A.R.E. America Chairman Skip Miller who claims his organization has reduced illegal drug usage by...
  11. Unhypnotized

    Political activist group organizing boycott of Super Bowl

    WAOW TV Tuesday, February 2nd, 2010 A national conservative political activist group is urging people not to watch the Super Bowl this year, and instead read a book about politics or history. Mark Dice, spokesman for The Resistance, calls football the “opiate of the masses” and says Americans’...
  12. Unhypnotized

    A Rudderless Ship Of State

    Chuck Baldwin Friday, January 29, 2010 In Patrick Henry’s immortal “Give Me Liberty Or Give Me Death” speech, he said, “[I]t is natural to man to indulge in the illusions of hope. We are apt to shut our eyes against a painful truth.” Never have Henry’s words been truer than they are today...
  13. Unhypnotized

    Anti-Terrorist on Poisons for Profit

    Fluoride, aspartame etc.
  14. New UFO Hunter

    Disclosure Project News Bulletin - Clinton/PROJECT STARLIGHT Briefings

    Disclosure Project News Bulletin - Clinton/Project Starlight Briefings 25-01-2010 Bulletin from Dr. Steven Greer * Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and President Clinton's Administration were briefed on UFOs and extraterrestrial intelligence. * Release of Clinton Library Documents shows...
  15. Unhypnotized

    Stan Tenen and the Sacred Apple

    Anyone heard of Stan Tenen? "The Meru Project has discovered an extraordinary and unexpected geometric metaphor in the letter-sequence of the Hebrew text of Genesis that underlies and is held in common by the spiritual traditions of the ancient world. This metaphor models embryonic growth and...
  16. Unhypnotized

    Haiti earthquake survivors blockade roads with piles of corpses in protest at lack of

    Liz Hazelton UK Daily Mail Friday, January 15th, 2010 WARNING: GRAPHIC CONTENT Desperate Haitians have set up roadblocks of corpses in Port-au-Prince to protest at the lack of emergency aid reaching them after the catastrophic earthquake. Although billions of pounds has already been pledged...
  17. Unhypnotized

    Surprise — TSA body scanners will retain and transmit nude images

    Bob Barr The Barr Code Friday, January 15th, 2010 The federal government is hell-bent on installing full-body x-ray scanners in airports across the country in the wake of the failed, Christmas Day bomb attempt by the Nigerian Brainiac. Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano has directed...
  18. Unhypnotized

    Lt. Col. Anthony Shaffer interviewed on the Alex Jones Show

    9/11 Blogger January 8, 2010 Intelligence Officer Anthony Shaffer. Anthony Shaffer (intelligence officer) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia@@AMEPARAM@@/wiki/File:SHAFFER.jpg" class="image"><img alt=""...