washington dc

  1. R

    South Sudanese forces defeated in Heglig

    US-supported South Sudanese forces abandoned disputed oil-rich Heglig region – leaving over 1200 South Sudanese soldiers dead. “The numbers of killed from SPLM are 1,200,” Kamal Marouf, the Sudanese armed forces commander said during an address to thousands of troops in the area, on Monday...
  2. Denise

    Fourth-grade teacher lets president Obama have a piece of her mind

    This came into my e-mail today and I just thought I would share with everybody on here. It's a letter that a fourth-grade teacher apparently sent to the White House concerning president Obama. This woman may lose her job for this letter. Date: Fri, 30 Mar 2012 00:13:39 -0400 (EDT) A...
  3. Truth Vibrations

    The best explanation on reptilians David Icke on The Alex Jones Show

    Welcome to our new lizard overlords: New study suggests alien worlds could be full of super-intelligent dinosaurs 'Nasa's Kepler telescope scans the skies for 'habitable worlds' - but an American chemist has suggested the whole project might be a terrible idea. Ronald Breslow suggests that...
  4. Denise

    Kerry Cassidy Interviews (The Veritas Show's) Mel Fabregas...

    ........ 04/04/2012 Wednesday - Kerry Cassidy's very special guest tonight was Mel Fabregas. :music: http://www.americanfreedomradio.com/...32k-040412.mp3 http://www.americanfreedomradio.com/...amelot_12.html PS - Mel Fabregas: "Why did Homeland Security 'Shut...
  5. Denise

    Into The 'ABYSS' James Cameron's sub reaches deepest point of the ocean

    Hollywood director James Cameron's sub reaches deepest point of the ocean Hollywood director James Cameron has completed his journey to the deepest point of the ocean. The director of Titanic, Avatar and other films used a specially designed submarine to dive nearly seven miles. He spent...
  6. 100th Monkey

    Executive Order -- National Defense Resources Preparedness

    "The White House Office of the Press Secretary For Immediate Release March 16, 2012 Executive Order -- National Defense Resources Preparedness EXECUTIVE ORDER NATIONAL DEFENSE RESOURCES PREPAREDNESS"...
  7. Denise

    George Clooney Arrested At Sudan Protest

    Police have arrested George Clooney during a protest outside the Sudanese embassy in Washington DC. The actor, who is president of United to End Genocide, was arrested and handcuffed along with several Democrat politicians and other human rights and faith leaders for civil disobedience. The...
  8. R

    Israeli leaders slam Bibi for Iran-Auschwitz analogy

    Last week, Israel’s prime minister, spook-terrorist Benji Netanyahu (Bibi), dedicated his entire speech at the Israel Lobby Conference 2012 in Washington DC against the Islamic Republic. He did not mention any other anti-Israel neighbors, Syria or Palestine, not even once. Bibi used...
  9. R

    Lobby: ‘Obama should distance from Pakistan’

    Lisa Curtis, is a former CIA analyst posted in Pakistan and India. Currently, she is a senior research fellow at the Heritage Foundation, a Washington DC-based powerful pro-Israel think tank. It’s Chairman is Thomas A. Saunders III, a Zionist Jew. Curtis is against American forces’ withdrawal...
  10. Truth Vibrations

    David Icke - The Isle of Wight - Leylines - Freemasons

    David Icke about The Isle of Wight, he lives since early 1980ies. Quality: 240 p...
  11. R

    Israel (AIPAC) conference on Iran

    On the weekend, both Israeli prime minister Benj Netanyahu and president Shimon Peres are arriving in Washington to address the annual Israeli Lobby (AIPAC) Policy Conference (March 4-6, 2012). According to Israeli officials and Israel-Firsters in Obama administration, both Jewish warmongers are...
  12. New UFO Hunter

    1st Contact Or The Start Of World War III..? Glowing Cloud In The Skies Over Russia..

    First Contact... Or The Start Of World War III? Amateur Cameraman Captures Stunning Glowing Cloud In The Skies Over Russia By Daily Mail Reporter 24th February 2012 Not so long ago, an enormous fiery cloud in the skies above Russia could only mean one thing: The beginning of something very...
  13. White Rabbit

    Satellite captures enormous 90-mile-wide storm that's UNDERWATER

    By Daily Mail Reporter Last updated at 2:38 PM on 21st February 2012 A Nasa satellite has provided jaw-dropping pictures of a huge 'storm' brewing under the sea. The swirling mass of water - which measures a whopping 93 miles wide - has been spotted off the coast of South Africa by the Terra...
  14. R

    Israel’s anti-Islamist campaign at WEF

    Israeli reporter Jaacob Katz cooked-up two Israeli Hasbara (propaganda) lies on the sideline of annual World Economic Forum 2012 in Davos-Klosters, Switzerland (January 25-29). These involve the so-called “pro-West Islamists”, Rachid Ghannouchi, leader of the Tunisian political party al-Nahda...
  15. White Rabbit

    Apollo astronauts having to answer to nasa

    NASA Administrator Charles Bolden (at left) and Apollo 13 astronaut James Lovell, seen here at the U.S. Naval Institute in September 2011, met again on Jan. 9, 2012, this time to discuss the ownership of space artifacts. CREDIT: U.S. Naval Institute Apollo 13 commander Jim Lovell and a few...
  16. Denise

    White Dragon Society spokesman confirms Angela Merkel is the daughter of Adolf Hitler

    On Tuesday 27th December 2011, writing from Japan, a White Dragon Society spokesman confirmed that the German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, is the daughter of Adolf Hitler. Hitler himself was the son of King George V of England (George Frederick Ernest Albert; Royal Houses of Windsor, and...
  17. Denise

    STONEHENGE - Discovery paves way to new understanding of how stones were transported

    20th December 2011 For centuries, scientists and historians have argued over why Stonehenge was built and, even more puzzlingly, how. They are now closer to cracking one aspect of the mystery after working out the exact spot where some of the rocks came from. The 5,000-year-old circle of...
  18. White Rabbit

    How to Levitate Stones (Coral Castle)

    HOW? Stone levitation as recorded in the monuments of mostly long past but also some recent origins is a process of using of acoustic resonance induced magnetic levitation. I seem to have nailed down so far all those used by the late Edward Leadskalnin, the builder of the Coral Castle in...
  19. Denise

    It is conclusive - 9/11 aircraft airborne well after crash

    IT IS CONCLUSIVE - 9/11 AIRCRAFT AIRBORNE WELL AFTER CRASH UNITED 93 IN THE VICINITY OF FORT WAYNE, INDIANA AND CHAMPAIGN, ILLINOIS AT TIME OF SHANKSVILLE ALLEGED CRASH (PilotsFor911Truth.org) - More information has surfaced which conclusively demonstrates the aircraft reportedly used on 9/11...
  20. New UFO Hunter

    Scientists say "Earths Twin has been found!"

    Theoretical physics professor Michio Kaku stated that Gilese 581g is 20 light years from Earth or about 123 trillion miles away in the constellation of Libra.