

    The Worm

    Let us give thanks for our poverty, said the guy dressed in rags. I saw him with my own eyes: drifting through a town of flat houses, built of brick and mortar, between the United States and Mexico. Let us give thanks for our violence, he said, even if it's futile like a ghost, even if it leads...
  2. Unhypnotized

    Elenin here on the 9/26/11 ??

    The majority of you understand the Swiss bank note with Elenin/Nibiru/Dwarf Star/Wormwood...well anything you want to refer to it as!! Anyway this chap has been doing some investigation about the Swiss Bank Note with a few interesting info...
  3. Denise

    NIBIRU shadows over Antarctica landmass & Personnel witness BROWN Dwarf

    NIBIRU shadows over Antarctica landmass & Personnel witness BROWN Dwarf...
  4. Denise

    Mark's Corner: Message from the Athabantians Starship ~ July 12, 2011

    Greetings to our brothers and sister of Earth from those if us aboard the starship Athabantian. It is in our love for and our Oneness with you that we take this opportunity to share our observations with you. We are most pleased when you make time to read our communications. Today we return...
  5. Unhypnotized

    Police Intelligence Analyst Fired For Blowing Whistle On False Flag Terror

    Strategic Threat Assessment Matrix concluded that 7/7 was an inside job Paul Joseph Watson Prison Planet.com Tuesday, July 12, 2011 A British police intelligence analyst who was asked to create a strategic assessment concerning terror threats was fired when he told his superiors that the...
  6. Unhypnotized

    Man Arrested for Filming Police from His Own Yard

    Alex Jones & Aaron Dykes Infowars.com July 8, 2011 A Jonesboro, Arkansas man was arrested after filming police conduct a warrantless search of a woman’s vehicle and body who was his neighbor. Across the United States, police are adopting tactics not even seen in the worst Third World nations...
  7. R

    UN slams Israel on gender inequality

    United Nations’ latest report on ‘Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women’, submitted to Israeli government in February 2011 – has criticized the Zionist regime for being biased toward its female population especially in matters of family laws. The report, which is issued after...
  8. Unhypnotized

    Media Attacks America on Independence Day!

    Prison Planet.com July 4, 2011 I was shocked over the weekend to witness a full-scale talking point in the media demonizing our Founders and the precious Constitution. Please comment below with examples you’ve witnessed over the weekend so we can compile a more detailed report later in the...
  9. Denise

    Message from Matthew ~ Master Plan of Earth's Golden Age ~ Q & A's

    Highlights of Message from Matthew: Public acknowledgement soon of other civilizations; other truths will emerge later; “open window” for ascension; changes to come; physical death of those who refuse light; Golden Age government; moderate temperatures; emotions, bodies in higher densities...
  10. New UFO Hunter

    Photos of ET: Navy Yeoman Witness Comes Forward by Linda Moulton Howe

    Yeoman Sheppard has gone on the record the very first time with Earthfiles Reporter and editor, Linda Moulton Howe.
  11. New UFO Hunter

    Farmer Hospitalized Following UFO Encounter

    UFO on Kumam's cell phone (credit: Koiremba Kumam) Koiremba Kumam, a 31-year-old farmer, claims to have been hospitalized after an encounter with a UFO in Manipur, India. The Assam Tribune reports that the alleged incident took place on the afternoon of June 15th. According to the witness...
  12. Denise

    SaLuSa ~ Soon You Will Master Space Travel ~ June 22, 2011

    Many of you have just participated in meditation and other forms of acknowledgement concerning the Summer Solstice. It has been heart-warming for us to see your response, and it is a measure of how seriously you take your responsibilities as Lightworkers. These occasions are more...
  13. New UFO Hunter

    100% Proof The Military Has Alien TR-3B Craft to Travel Into Space

    A witness in Paris observed a triangular object, lit with a white light at each corner and a red one in the center, passing silently overhead. Shortly thereafter a second triangle appeared, this one brightly lit, and remained visible for a few seconds. A National Institute of Discovery Science...
  14. CASPER

    Longest Total Lunar Eclipse in 11 Years Occurs Wednesday

    The longest total lunar eclipse since July 2000 will occur on Wednesday (June 15), with skywatchers in Europe, Asia, the Middle East, Africa and Australia in prime position to witness the moon treat. The event is the first lunar eclipse of 2011 and one of two total lunar eclipses this year. The...
  15. New UFO Hunter

    62 children witness ufo landing

    One of the most interesting cases involving UFOs takes place in Ruwa, Zimbabwe. Ruwa is a small farming community in South Africa and news from the small town rarely gets out. On September 16, 1994, the children and teachers at Ariel School reported seeing a UFO that landed. This happened during...
  16. Denise

    SaLuSa ~ Your Progress Continues to Delight Us ~ May 27, 2011

    Your progress continues to delight us, and our interest is in your collective levels of consciousness. How they have grown in a relatively short time compared to last century. It is this success that has placed you firmly upon the path to Ascension. It means that you have overcome the intent...
  17. Unhypnotized

    Jury Rejects State Charges against 7/7 Ripple Effect’s Muad’Dib

    TERROR ON THE TUBE May 19, 2011 At 4pm on Thursday 12th May at Southwark Crown Court the jury returned and declared Muad’Dib (Anthony John Hill) innocent of attempting to ‘pervert the course of justice’. Mr. Hill has spent 151 days incarcerated in Wandsworth prison over the past few months...
  18. New UFO Hunter

    The fatal encounter at ft

    New testimonial evidence and a document are bared in Status Report IV, following the re-emergence in 1983 of the informant whose experience, as a witness, was first disclosed three years earlier and published as Case A3 in Status Report III, 1982. The source, a sergeant in the Air Force Security...
  19. Denise

    SaLuSa: You Can Look Forward to an Earth-shaking End to This Year ~ May 13, 2011

    It is commendable to take on the burdens of other people, but you must give sufficient time for your own development. It is vitally important that you continue to hold your focus on this final run in, as to the whole purpose of what you are experiencing. There is not one soul that can fail...
  20. Unhypnotized

    Is 'Project Bluebeam' dead?

    Did Carol Rosin really frighten off this project...? For some reason the Blue Beam Project has been dragged out of the “skeleton closet” again, probably to create more fear from the ignorant and the faithless. Originally designed for implementation in 1983 by the Illuminati in cooperation...