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United Nations’ latest report on ‘Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women’, submitted to Israeli government in February 2011 – has criticized the Zionist regime for being biased toward its female population especially in matters of family laws.

The report, which is issued after every four years since 1979, was compiled by a panel of experts drawn from several countries including Israel. Prof. Ruth Halperin-Kadari, who heads Bar-Ilan University’s Rackman Center for the Advancement of Women’s Status, is a member of the panel.

“There’s a huge gap between rights that are formally granted, and the lack of implementation and enforcement of the laws,” said Halperin-Kadari.

Interestingly, though Zionist entity recognizes civil, interfaith and same sex marriages and pretends to be a modern and liberal society – all other marriages in the entity have to be performed by the country’s Chief Rabbinate and Rabbinical courts – and both of them do not allow interfaith, same sex and civil marriages. These courts follow Jewish Talmud and old Jewish traditions. Recently, one of these courts in Jewusalem, had sentenced a dog to death by stoning for disobeying the court.

In Rabbinical law woman is considered property of her male family members. As a daughter, she is nor entitled for inheritance and as a wife, she has no right to divorce her husband. Contrary to that, a Jew can divorce his wife on some stupid excuses, such as, he is not attracted to her anymore or her snoring bothers him. And adultry is only when a Jew sleep with another Jew’s wife.

Rabbis have listed nine curses inflicted on women by G-d: “To the woman He gave nine curses and death; the burden of the blood of menstruation and the blood of virginity; the burden of pregnancy; the burden of childbirth; the burden of bringing of children; her head is covered as one in mourning; she pierces her ear like a permanent slave or slave girl who serves her master; she is not to be believed as a witness; and after everything – death,”quoted by Leonard J. Swidler in, ‘Women in Judaism: the Status of Women in Formative Judaism’.

Women have been oppressed all around the world, religiously (Judaism, Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism, etc.) and culturally for centuries. So is the case in the abuse of women’s rights in various cultures prevailent in the Muslim world. However, no honest and educated person could blame Islam for such abuses. Islam liberated women over 1400 years ago – at the time when the women were treated as a male property with no legal rights in the so-called “Western Civilization”. Find out the truth here and watch a video at the end of this post. Watch a video below to learn more on this subject.

UN slams Israel on gender inequality | Rehmat's World
They talk too much on the liberation and freedom of woman and on the other side this is the real glimpse of the picture.What can i say about this,but the one thing is really sure that they should not discuss on justification more.
They talk too much on the liberation and freedom of woman and on the other side this is the real glimpse of the picture.What can i say about this,but the one thing is really sure that they should not discuss on justification more.
Can I talk about Women's right in Talmud??