zero point energy

  1. R

    06-11 Free Energy - The Race to Zero Point Wednesday, February 25, 2009

    06-11 Free Energy - The Race to Zero Point Wednesday, February 25, 2009 The video "Free Energy - The Race to Zero Point" is an eye-opening account of free energy technology - why we do not have it yet, and what is being done about that. Video link below: Source: youtube Translated...
  2. day

    water and zero point energy

    I came across an interesting article called " How water accumulates Orgone by Jan Wicherink" The author compars the terms Ki, chi, prana, tachyon and orgone and claims they are they same. Here is an excerpt Zero point energy In recent years Harold Puthoff been popularising the zero point energy...
  3. day

    Gregg Braden and Spiritual Consciousness

    Jim Marrs interviews Gregg Braden on the subject of consciousness and related topics. Jim Marrs is an award-winning journalist and has over 30 years experience with several Texas newspapers. In 1999, he began teaching a course on UFOs, perhaps one of the first university level UFO courses in...
  4. Rumas

    Awakening to Zero Point (Gregg Braden 1996)

    Part 1: Part 2: Part 3: Part 4: