1000s Of Egyptians 'Throw Shoes And Tomatoes' At Hillary Clinton Motorcade..!

100th Monkey

New member
Egyptians pelt Clinton with tomatoes, chant ‘Monica’

17 July, 2012


An Egyptian protester shouts slogans as he holds a shoe on a portrait of US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton outside the US embassy in Cairo on July 14, 2012 to protest against her visit to the country.

Hillary Clinton has been welcomed in Egypt by locals greeting her motorcade with tomatoes, shoes and water bottles. Rallying protesters showed awareness with US domestic policy history, chanting “Monica, Monica”.

*The two-day visit by the US secretary of state to Egypt ended in scandal when the convoy she was driving in from the newly-opened American consulate in the Mediterranean port of Alexandria was attacked by local citizens chanting anti-American slogans.

The protesting crowds hailed the motorcade with vegetables and other objects, reportedly hitting one of the Egyptian officials in the convoy in the face. The American armored motorcade suffered only superficial damage while Hillary Clinton’s car remained intact.

There have been reports of the protesters chanting "Leave, Clinton” and "Monica, Monica," presumably referring to the scandal with the secretary’s husband, former US President Bill Clinton’s extra-marital affair with White House intern Monica Lewinsky.

The protesters were holding banners in Arabic and English, accusing the US of interfering into Egypt’s internal affairs.


Egyptian demonstrators protest against the visit of US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton outside the presidential palace in Cairo on July 14, 2012.


Egyptians chant slogans against the visit of US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in front of the doors of the presidential palace after her meeting with Egypt's President Mohamed Mursi (Reuters / Amr Dalsh)

The protests against Clinton’s visit to Egypt started on Saturday when the US secretary of state met with Egypt's new President Mohammed Morsi, an Islamist protégée of the Muslim Brotherhood. Demonstrators surrounded Clinton’s hotel later on Saturday, chanting anti-Islamist slogans and putting the blame on Washington for the Islamists’ rise to power and victory in the country’s presidential elections.


Many of the protesters accused Mohammed Morsi of "selling out" to Washington.

“I want to tell the Americans who are supporting democracy that we don't have any democracy in Egypt,” one demonstrator, Ahmed Abdel Alim, told AP. “Egyptians of all sects – Muslims, Christians and minorities – do not have any rights in this country.”

During her visit to Egypt, the US Secretary of State also met with Field Marshal Mohamed Hussein Tantawi, the head of the military council of Egypt that currently holds power in the country.

Clinton urged the Egyptian military to transfer power in full to the newly-elected president, who was sworn in two weeks ago.

Still, just hours after the meeting with Clinton, the head of the Egyptian military took a hard line on Morsi's Muslim Brotherhood on Sunday, stating he is against Islamist fundamentalists dominating the country’s political landscape




Thousands Of Egyptians Throw Shoes And Tomatoes At Hillary Clinton Motorcade

Actual Motorcade (Footage)

Anytime I see signs in another country where they speak a language other than English and the signs are written in English, I question the legitimacy of that particular news article. If your protesting in Spain your gonna have Spanish written signs, if your protesting in France you gonna have French written signs.
Anytime I see signs in another country where they speak a language other than English and the signs are written in English, I question the legitimacy of that particular news article. If your protesting in Spain your gonna have Spanish written signs, if your protesting in France you gonna have French written signs.

Yes, that IS true. Why would the signs be written in English if not to appease the English speaking countries and their fake news? That Obama sign in the bottom picture looks edited in AFTER the picture was taken. Photoshoped!

Makes me wonder how much of the news is faked to get a rise out of the people and to keep them in fear.
In the third picture the words says "compensation for the victims of American torture in Guantánamo", the words "of American" are further away from the words "for the" than the words "compensation" is from "victims". Makes it seem photoshopped to me.
RT is supposed to be a reputable alternative news source. So the pictures are probably real, but then again who really knows for sure.
No, I vote for photoshopped. Looks too fake to me. I've edited photos and I know how hard it can be to put in text and get it on just the right angles and then there's the artifacting (or whatever it's called) around the text versus the picture. It looks phony to me.

Why the hell can't they just report the real news and stop giving us this BS that makes the world look worse than it really is? They want us to be constantly in a state of fear and panic. It's terrible.
They won't report the real news until people wake up and realize what is going on and take the necessary steps to stop it. But they are so much more concerned with video games and TV and stuff like Facebook and I'm not sure this will ever change.