
  1. R

    McDonald commercial – Obama: “God Bless Israel”

    McDomald new “Big America” burger commercial says something which most American leaders are afraid to say in public – especially after what the Jewish Lobby did to the US secretary of defense Chuck Hagel recently or Charles W. Freeman in the past. Freeman withdrew from his appointment by Barack...
  2. R

    Israel: An outlaw state

    Rachelle Marshall, a free-lance Jewish editor living in Mill Valley, CA, wrote an interesting review about the Israel’s elections in January 2013 – titled Israeli elections come and go, but Israel remains an outlaw state. During his recent pilgrimage to the Holy Land, Barack Obama, twisted...
  3. R

    Bibi loses election but Israeli fascism stays

    Benjamin Netanyahu is set to form the next Zionist regime even though his warmongering coalition lost 11 seats. However, the election results show that the new regime would lack the necessary muscles to screw US president Barack Obama on the US foreign policy. Netanyahu called for early...
  4. 100th Monkey

    Romney Family Owns Voting Machines - Is This Right?

    Tagg Romney, the son of Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney, has purchased electronic voting machines to be used in the 2012 elections in Ohio, Texas, Oklahoma, Washington and Colorado
  5. R

    Iran: ‘No direct talks with United States’

    Tehran has denied pro-Israel daily The New York Times report that both the US and Iran have agreed to hold ‘one-to-one’ talks on Iran’s nuclear program after the November elections. “We don’t have any discussions or negotiations with America,” Iranian Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi said in a...
  6. N

    [Rant] David Siegel rants and attempts to scare his employees into voting for Romney Now I've heard it all.

    The CEO Who Built Himself America’s Largest House Just Threatened to Fire His Employees if Obama’s Elected Hamilton Nolan David Siegel is the founder and CEO of Westgate Resorts, a huge national timeshare company and one of the largest resort developers in the world. In 2007 he was a...
  7. R

    Ahmadinejad in New York: Zionists in panic

    Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadunejad along with other Iranian officials have settled down in New York’s Warwick Hotel, which is being sued by the ‘Holocaust survivors’. On Sunday, the New York Post compiled a basket filled with Jewish-themed goodies for Ahmadinejad. The basket also included a...
  8. R

    ‘US voters are dumb, distracted and delusional’

    Every time some one tells me that the United States is a democracy – it reminds me Germany before Nazis. In those days, Germany, like the US today, was also controlled by powerful local and foreign lobby groups which later picked countries for Nazis to invade and occupy. Since the establishment...
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    [Must Read!] A False Flag, Project Blue Beam, Depopulation or the Real thing?

    Planet X/Nibiru Is Real: Announcement By The United States Will Happen Before November 2012! | Conspiracy Theories I first heard of Planet X/Nibiru in an interview of Nancy Lieder on Coast to Coastam awhile back when nothing happened at the time she said it would, I more or less put it back on...
  10. Lady of Light

    InRetro Magazine's "The Unmasking of Mitt Romney" Article by Erin Drushel

    With the US elections and presidential campaigns running at the time, I thought I would share this article written about one of the presidential candidates, Mitt Romney. It goes on to state Romney's stance on certain people of the country and how he looks down on them. But at least he didn't lie...
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    [Must Read!] Former asst Secretary of State Will Start on Sept 25th

    Former asst Secretary of State says World War 111 Will Start on Sept 25th World War 111 to start on Yom Kippur. There is a significant amount of countries in the Persian Gulf on minesweeping carriers. It seems that there is a crescendo of activities building to this possible moment. I've...
  12. R

    Lobby: ‘Jewish presence in Congress to Shrink’

    Jewish groups in the US and Israel have been complaining for decades that Jewish population around the world is shrinking each year due to born-Jews leaving their religion and the low birth rate (less than 1%) among the Jewish families. I dealt with that topic a few years ago. Read here. I just...
  13. Truth Vibrations

    Expect Israel to attack Iran before this fall's U.S. presidential election

    David Rubin, a U.S.-born Israeli author and terrorism expert, expects Israel to attack Iran before this fall's U.S. presidential election. The Israeli people continue to prepare for what many believe will be the long-anticipated airstrike against the Iranian nuclear threat. Polls show that...
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    [Must Read!] Wahingington Times: Inside the Ring: North Korean EMP

    While we were being distracted by Weather, The Elections, etc. for the most part their hasn't been alot of mention of North Korea, except, the fact that Kim Jong Un is perhaps loosening the grip his father had on the North Korean people. Out of the blue comes this story in the Washington...
  15. R

    Ehud Barak: ‘Attack Gaza not Iran!’

    “Thirtynine years ago, Israel’s defense minister Ehud Barak as commander of the elite Sayeret Matkal IDF commando unit, lead a assassination squad to Beirut to kill three senior PLO leaders. In order to avoid suspicion, some of the Sayeret Matkal troops, including Barak, donned wigs, dressed as...
  16. R

    Chomsky: ‘I support Israel, but…’

    In August 2010, Noam Chomsky told Israeli Channel 2 News: “I regard myself a supporter of Israel“. The Jewish-American political analyst, professor Avram Noam Chomsky (born 1928), knows how to cover his personal agenda behind literary smokescreen. That’s what he did in his recent article...
  17. R

    Jewish groups want compensation from Arabs

    Dan Diker, secretary-general of World Jewish Congress (WJC) says his organization is holding a conference in Jerusalem next week to seek compensation for hundreds of thousands of Jews who were forced out of Arab countries after the establishment of Israel. On September 21, the WJC along with...
  18. R

    Mombasa: ‘Mossad strikes again!’

    The citizens of Kenya’s coastal city of Mombasa have become victims of Israeli covert sectarian war again. The city is in grip of Christian-Muslim religious war since the assassination of a prominent Muslim cleric, Sheikh Aboud Rogo, by an ‘unknown assassin’ two days ago. Sheikh Rogo was shot...
  19. Denise

    The White Hats Report - Watergate revisited? Kerry Cassidy's blog - August 16, 2012

    Found this on Kerry Cassidy's blog: The beginning of the end of the Obama Presidency has begun. The only questions that remain are: How will the charade play out before the American public and the rest of the world? How many will the cabal sacrifice to keep their agenda alive? Will an...
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    [Must Read!] The Obama False Flag Attack That Would Suspend 2012 Elections

    Well, just mentioned this morning, I don't think anyone really wants to think their leader would do something like this, but here's the story, now I'm wondering. Who do you think it is the President or the Illuminati? It's still most probably the Illuminati pulling the strings for want of a...