Archangel Michael ~ Monumental Change & Finding Your True Self ~ Ronna Herman


Beloveds, these are times of monumental change throughout the Earth and your solar system, and each of you is in the midst of an accelerated initiation process whether or not you acknowledge it.

You can either move forward with ease and grace or fall deeper into the chaos and suffering of the lower dimensions. Remember, the moment you begin to believe in scarcity and limitation, that is the moment you begin to experience those limitations in your life’s experience. The choice is yours, for you are the creator of your reality.

Know that the challenges and opportunities before you will bring rewards beyond anything you can imagine, and so do not be afraid to step out of your comfort zone as you reach for the stars. You must learn that true happiness is not a gift on the earthly plane; it must be earned and is unattainable without an inner sense of self-worth.

You are in the process of finding your true Self, as all the illusions, distortions and misconceptions are gradually cleared away. However, you must love and honor the person you are at the present while you are striving to become the person you wish to be. Many of you are becoming aware of the power of truth and right choices.

Accept your cloak of radiant Light, for you have earned it. Follow your own path and do not fear being different from those around you. We know you feel lonely at times, but you are never alone. Call on us and we will guide and assist you in every way possible. Be bold and steadfast, my brave Bearers of Light. Know that I am with you always and you are dearly loved.

I AM Archangel Michael

Transmitted through Ronna Herman * *