Assange Under Protection of Ecuador - Seeks Asylum

Truth Vibrations

New member
Russia Today: WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has requested political asylum and is under the protection of the Ecuadorian embassy in London, according to the site's Twitter.

Ecuador's foreign minister Ricardo Patino says Assange has taken refuge in the South American nation's embassy in London and is seeking political asylum.

And on Reuters: Ecuador says...
Well things seem to be heated up for Julian Assange I'm wondering how this thing is going to end.
Obviously the information he got a hold of must be pretty darn accurate and is harmful for the powers that be, or else why would they be after him so bad? I hope he gets the asylum he's requesting and they can actually protect him so he can continue.

Or, is this a ploy? Is he just a patsy, a distraction? You can't help but wonder. Things are so friggin intertwined with deception and misinformation even in the alternate media world, that god only knows.
I believe that's the way they wanted it to be, you're always guessing and wondering who the are good guys. So much so you start looking at the good guys as the actual bad guys. Purposeful confusion.
Keep you spinning in circles wondering what's going on, will keep you from uncovering the truth.
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Yes, if you are constantly looking all over the place wondering what's true and what's setup, then they have you because you are truly distracted from what is really happening.