Banning Hugs at School


Banning Hugs at School
March 30th, 2009 in Breaking News

Banning Hugs at School - Motherlode Blog -

We teach our children “Good Touch/Bad Touch.” Now preteens in Milford, Conn. are learning “No Touch.”

Local news there reported this weekend that parents at the East Shore Middle School received a letter from Principal Catherine Williams, which said that any touching at all on school grounds — including “hugging” and “horseplay” — could result in “parent conferences, detention, suspension and/or a request for expulsion from school.”

Students have said that they have even been prohibited from “high fiving”
classmates in the halls.
holy crap, thats taking it more then a lil over board, as if my son wouldnt be able to give a friend a hi five or his own sister a hug in school or somthing. thats crazy.