Carville: Airport scanners can ?measure my penis?


Truth feeder
Christina Wilkie
The Hill
Saturday, January 9th, 2010

The debate over full body security scans just got a lot more graphic, thanks to Democratic political strategist and frequent flyer James Carville.*

Speaking on The Tony Kornheiser Show Friday, Carville laid out, or unzipped, his vision for airport security.

But the consummate talker couldn’t help sharing too much information.
“Let me buy a [security] card, then go and measure my penis, and let me get on the airplane,” he said.

Fortunately for travelers, and, one suspects, for T.S.A. agents, the scanners are designed to measure things like radiation and explosive levels — not private parts.

But Carville isn’t worried about his privacy: “I don’t care. I’m up in the air all the time, like George Clooney,” he said, referring to the Hollywood leading man’s latest film.
