Homeland Security Videotaped Two UFOs Over Airport In Puerto Rico

New UFO Hunter

Real UFO News Freak
Looks real to me!

Down below UFO video was allegedly obtained from sources inside a Puerto Rican federal agency shows two UFOs over Rafael Hernandez International Airport, Puerto Rico.

The video was reportedly shot by an infra-red camera aboard a Homeland Security helicopter in the Puerto Rican city of Aguadilla at 1:23 am of April 26, 2013.

This video was uploaded to YouTube by José Martínez, a member of the Puerto Rican Research Group.

He explains that the video was shot by a helicopter from Rafael Hernandez International Airport, which was formerly a United States Air Force base called Ramey Air Force Base. Several federal agencies are currently housed at the Rafael Hernandez International Airport.

"In the video you can see how the object moves very quickly. In one part of the video you can see how the object is thrown to the sea at extreme speed," and when it comes back out of the sea, there are "two objects on the screen."

Researchers reportedly conferred with authorities from the Puerto Rico Joint Forces of Rapid Action (FURA), a division of the state police of Puerto Rico that coordinates operations between Puerto Rico police and U.S. federal agencies.

These authorities confirmed that the UFO video was taken by a camera aboard a Black Hawk helicopter.

When asked by YouTube viewers for more information about this video showing UFOs in Puerto Rico, Martínez responded by saying that, in order to protect the identity of his federal agency sources at the airport, he "cannot give more details."