Conquering One's Body Using Your Spirit


I Discovered This fascinating write-up, I Want to share:

Many people nowadays are controlled by the body a lot more than their spirit, and due to this there exists a great low morality and awareness. The moment you toss in a spiritual approach such as reincarnation each one of our "complications" convert right into "lessons".

Birth "Anomalies"

Consider those who are created absent arms and legs, sightless, retarded or other kind of "loss". Individuals are usually so rapid to accept foolhardy side of stating that this stuff can be terrible and unfair since it helps make the person less capable then a more "average" woman / man. Nonetheless, whenever someone becomes more spiritual and uncovers concepts for example reincarnation these "tragedies" that was previously confusing and unfounded grow to become obvious and purposeful. Many of us are multidimensional animals which are having scenarios and information from a variety of physical physiques. The systems are merely our vehicles on this reality we reside in. Different bodies permit distinct experience and therefore give to us a larger knowledge of reality and ourselves. Consequently, being born impaired isn't a awful factor, it is simply something to learn from. In one more existence you might be born like a top athlete, and that is not always a positive experience. Different people consume different knowledge. You're only the body for just a short-term duration, and falling in to the pitfall of associating together with your body and never your spirit is really a trap many fall under and can keep plunging into right up until they gain a distinct degree of spiritual development.


Suffering is yet another subject individuals who favor themselves over their spirit cannot manage to understand. Lots of people always pose the question, "How come a benevolent God allow suffering?" As with the prior example, this really is another pretty narrow type of thinking because it is failing to remember about our entire spiritual purpose here: we're here to achieve experiences and develop our spirituality. How does one grow lacking getting friction to produce that polarity for growth? We grow as a consequence of these conditions developed because of the polarities in our reality. What's benevolent without malevolent and what's right without wrong? What's good to 1 individual might be harmful to another. In the end they all are encounters to assist in spiritual growth. The physical density produces certain incidents that people will not need inside a more "benevolent" realm, as a result these sufferings and tests in our spirit only make us more powerful and wiser. Each of our challenges and sufferings ought to be viewed with keen encouragement because they are the biggest thing to the our advancement. Usually things we think are most severe for all of us are often things we need the most.

For example, maybe you have met a young child that develops from a prosperous family with poor morals and standards which lead to hardly any hardships and suffering for that child. In these instances the kid faces hardly any hardships and growth might be limited.

On the other hand, maybe you have met a young child that originated from an disappointing family with high morals and standards which lead to consistent struggles and strife for that child. In these instances the kid faces many hardships that present many probabilities for growth.


Here's most likely among the greatest things those who are connected using their body fear: dying. Just the thought of dieing for most of us is really a sad and horrible circumstance. Nobody really wants a disconnection of the body simply because they have grown to be so installed on themselves and the methods for materialism. Because most individuals don't understand you have been here before and will also be here again (typically), they fear needing to leave this body, thinking there you have it. Even most religions say you simply have 1 shot here therefore it produces a sense of loss when individuals leave themselves because they fear this was and it is their only existence here. Once more, when reincarnation turns up it earns another perception with much wider understanding.


These are merely a couple of of good examples that focus on how individuals are frequently held back by ourselves - and it is not necessarily a bad aspect, that's simply where they are at. At some point we'll all eventually arrived at the awareness that there is far more then 1 existence and 1 body. The body is just a vessel for one and a number of other vessels await you. It ought to always be remembered that you're only facing things are designed for, nothing more or nothing less. If you're not ready for any certain struggle, you'll not be faced with it, till you are. Also observe that the greater developed your spirit is getting the higher the challenges its going to experience.

What do you think? i would love to hear your thoughts?
I so believe that your body is only a vessel. We shed this vessel willingly when we leave this earth!! As far as the suffering goes, that's all part of the learning process while we are here on earth. We are all here to better ourselves. We all pick our charts on the other side. It's a path that we chose for ourselves. People wonder why God lets the suffering go on here, I believe that's also part of the path we chose for ourselves. People who have near death experience, have always said that they are told that they have to come back.
That they are not done here on earth. To me that tells me that I am not done with the path I chose. I could go on and on.
This is just the tip of the iceberg. There is so much more to this..............

I totally agree with the whole we choose when we die thing. We leave when WE are ready. And ya, suffering and bad things have to happen, otherwise how would we know good? As for choosing a path on the other side, I don't know if i believe all that. I've heard it before, but I believe that we can choose freely what we do while we are here. "The other side" to me is just a different reality, or a different dimension. I don't believe it necessarily has anything to do with this life.

What I do believe, it that we have nothing to fear because we ARE energy infused with this vessel we call a body. That is the reality we currently live in. I also believe, we can change our surroundings based on our 'spirit'.

As for the NDEs, I think they come back because they chose not to go and that the people they claim to have seen are other dimensional beings there to cue them to make their own choice at the time of the NDE. They could choose to go either way, but happen to choose to come back. How many others have chosen to go the other way upon what would have been an NDE? We'll never know because they left their 'vessel' or 'body'.