Deliberately Wrecked Weather From Coast To Coast


Truth feeder
12-14-2010 05:44 AM

'Our deliberately changed weather is completely askew. We don't have the Global Warming scam that corporate-controlled scientists and media are trying to ram down our throats; but we do have deliberately wrecked weather from coast to coast.
Global Warming was never based on real scientific research; but on manipulated data. This continues to be all gleefully reported by compromised TV weather stations and a compliant, corporate controlled media. From Portland, Oregon, to Portland, Maine, nothing is what it used to be 10 or 15 years ago. Yes, of course, the weather changes and can be unpredictable. That's a given. What IS different? Now we have dramatic swings in our weather, sometimes in less than 24 hours; and the US military is already on record as wanting "to own the weather by 2025." We are all expendable for that hubristic and criminal goal.'

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