Do you want to know How ETs manage to fly UFOs?

New UFO Hunter

Real UFO News Freak
Telekinesis is finally here - sort of. Controlled using a NeuroSky MindWave EGG headset, Puzzlebox's Orbit takes orders directly from your brain - no gestures, grimacing or button-pushing needed. The chopper's blades are enclosed within a spherical cage, protecting it from accidental collisions should your focus wane - something that everybody who's ever flown a remote-control helicopter will appreciate.
In 1987 from an undisclosed source, it was said that it’s in the llaw of all countries never to shot one of these down, especially the triangle. They say it has enough energy inside just one of those engines underneath, that if one explodes, it could easily wipe out a half a state depending on which state, and if all three of the engines were to explode, it would be devastation from one state to another.

You see, the design will be about casing and in closing, no screws, no cuts, just one flying solid aircraft, built with sonar no windows.
Voice control, touch control, mind control,…its all the same
Gemini...."In 1987 from an undisclosed source, it was said that it’s in the llaw of all countries never to shot one of these down, especially the triangle

Thats interesting Gemini....that you would pick the year 1987 to notice? I thought that the " Do not shoot" order was issued so much earlier... closer to 1954 or 54. Can you remember any detail at all about the " undisclosed source" and who it was that supplied the channel that revealed that information? Linda
Gemini...."In 1987 from an undisclosed source, it was said that it’s in the llaw of all countries never to shot one of these down, especially the triangle

Thats interesting Gemini....that you would pick the year 1987 to notice? I thought that the " Do not shoot" order was issued so much earlier... closer to 1954 or 54. Can you remember any detail at all about the " undisclosed source" and who it was that supplied the channel that revealed that information? Linda

Thats interesting Gemini....that you would pick the year 1987 to notice? I thought that the " Do not shoot" order was issued so much earlier... closer to 1954 or 54.
In 1984 a special ops unit that was organized by George w Bush in 1975, came upon a probe, a probe that was followed for 3 months and ended the 5th month.

They followed the probe as it went in and out of a cloud over Nebraska for 2months and 2 days, as they thought that the probe was using or receiving energy from the cloud it self.

One day within the third month, one of the ops guys stayed the night for 2 days and 2 nights to collect even more data, because the big question and only real question that every body asked themselves and each other was, how can a cloud stay in one place for so long.

This one particular ops had 1 infrared beam that he pointed at the clouds that night, but it was too small, the second night he had gathered 25 infrared beams in which he wanted him, and his team to point at the clouds.

When they pointed at the clouds with the beams, they found out that the cloud was solid and that the probe was too small to be connected to the beams.

To make this very short. A senior ops guy thought of an idea to capture the probe, place a camera and tracking device on it, or inside, and go from there…but no success.

Because they knew the route that the probe took every day, they decided to get a remote controlled plane and fly it underneath the probe as it went inside the cloud.

After 7 failed attempts, and over 34 revised models and makes of remote controlled air planes, one guy successfully created one with a camera and 5 other tools that was blacked out from what I read, but burned because it got to close to the probes engines.

After 4 days they decided not to do it in the day time, or use the probe to follow it into the clouds, so they decided to do it at night and use the infrared beams to guide the way to the clouds.

Every thing was a success….until the plane came back down burned really bad. After 2 days one of the ops members had developed a very bad skin rash over his body and 2 days after that 1 more member had developed a skin rash as well.

They found out that they had radiation poison, and after looking at the tape, they found out that they had went inside something, maybe the inside of the probes engine underneath.

Another plan was put in place, a plan to put a helicopter on top of the new, much bigger remote control air plane, and see what’s inside the hole of the probe.

They decided to do it in the day time because they didn’t want to hit or go inside of the probe again. Every thing was a successes, the plane was under the probe, and as it got near the cloud, that’s when the helicopter was released.

‘Omg I see a portal or something’

After thinking that it was a portal, they entered the so called portal with the helicopter but it wasn’t at portal, it was the inside of a triangle spaceship.

Within 2 .7 seconds, the helicopter and the probe came back down to earth, as both burned in the atmosphere before it even hit the ground.

After looking at the camera, they found nothing, after checking the instruments, they found nothing, but after checking for radiation, they found a lot, and after the 3 engines came on, and as they taped the engines coming on, and after seeing how big the 3 engines are, and after seeing how big the object was that had to have 3 engines underneath to lift it, and after all the calculations was tested and studies was done, it was written in law, after so many countries tried to shoot it down and reports within the governments about the 3 lights in the sky. It was written in law in 1987 within all governments around the world that, this ufo has enough energy as 8 nucler bombs…if not more.