Doctors vs Guns - Accidental kill averages

Truth Vibrations

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Doctors vs Guns – which are more deadly?

(A) The number of physicians in the U.S. is 700,000.
(B) “Accidental deaths” caused by Physicians per year: 120,000.
(C) Accidental deaths per physician is 0.171.
Statistics courtesy of U.S. Dept of Health and Human Services.

(A) The number of gun owners in the U.S. is 80,000,000 (Yes, that’s 80 million).
(B) The number of accidental gun deaths per year, all age groups, Is 1,500.
(C) The number of accidental deaths per gun owner is .000188.
Statistics courtesy of FBI

So, statistically, doctors are approximately 9,000 times more dangerous than gun owners. Remember, ‘Guns don’t kill people, doctors do.’

Doctors are murderers, they kill people all the time and they get away with it. Doctors should be getting into curing people not hurting them more to so they can have more money.
Doctors are murderers, they kill people all the time and they get away with it. Doctors should be getting into curing people not hurting them more to so they can have more money.


Doctors kill people just to make some extra cash. Sometimes the do it slowly with pills and such, and other times they do it with unnecessary surgeries. If you are not dying from whatever is ailing you, never ever take medication, especially prescription medication, and never ever ever go in for a surgery if it's not necessary no matter what a doctor says. Are you gonna die because of your ailment? NO, then fuck the doctors, they don't know what they're talking about. They are brainwashed morons who will believe anything they're told, especially when those things come with kickbacks. And usually, they do.


But more importantly, don't go to a doctor for all your medical needs. You can do most things on your own. I don't trust doctors, never have, and never will! Shaman, yes, but doctors, HELL NO!
It's also important to understand that some of these doctors are not actually interested in hurting you, they genuinely think they are trying to help. But what they don't really understand is that the system is corrupt and has given them corrupt information and a corrupt education.

When they take their oath "to do no harm" they don't realize that their education is half-lives. Not to mention the people who get into this profession may not actually be interested in healing people in the first place, they're interested in the paycheck. Again another example were money should not be the prime motivator for somebody to choose a profession.
It's also important to understand that some of these doctors are not actually interested in hurting you, they genuinely think they are trying to help. But what they don't really understand is that the system is corrupt and has given them corrupt information and a corrupt education.

When they take their oath "to do no harm" they don't realize that their education is half-lives. Not to mention the people who get into this profession may not actually be interested in healing people in the first place, they're interested in the paycheck. Again another example were money should not be the prime motivator for somebody to choose a profession.

Granted, that is more the case than not.

The problem is, the whole system is flawed. And I agree with peoples choices for picking a profession. You should do something you WANT to do, not something that pays well monetarily. If you do what you love, then everyone benefits. But these doctors become doctors mostly for the pay, so they can have the big cars the big houses, the status, etc. And that makes it terrible.

Doctors are responsible for many many many deaths, accidental or not, they kill people. Whether they thought they were helping or harming, doesn't really matter when it comes to flawed systems with flawed values.

I guess I'm just ranting now, I'll quit for today.
You also got a remember that these doctors did not do the research themselves. They were told of people who did the research and what these people's findings were. They were told that these doctors were experts in their field therefore what they did cannot be wrong. And that's it is now they learn everything they need know to be a doctor. They just regurgitate what these other experts have done to every patient that comes into their office.

And then we wonder why people are dying.
You also got a remember that these doctors did not do the research themselves. They were told of people who did the research and what these people's findings were. They were told that these doctors were experts in their field therefore what they did cannot be wrong. And that's it is now they learn everything they need know to be a doctor. They just regurgitate what these other experts have done to every patient that comes into their office.

And then we wonder why people are dying.

Kinda like David Wilcock, LMAO!! Sorry, I had to.

If doctors would do some research into things themselves, and they can it's not hard, they could see alternatives to what they've been taught. BUT, they are so brainwashed into believing the education they've been given is the end all be all, that they are friggin blind. I don't want some blind person doing anything to me that could hurt me, cuz they can't see what they're doing. The worst part i think is that they don't think they're doing anything wrong. They've somehow justified it to themselves that no matter what, they did everything they could to save that person or those people, even if what they did was the thing that killed them.

I HATE doctors! Can you tell?
Doctors are just another way that people have a place to go past be saved. If you're asking a person to save you, you're giving your consent to allow them to potentially hurt you. Make sure before you put your trust in the supposed expert that they actually know what they're doing, and since all their education to corrupt we all know they don't know what they're doing.
Sure, doctors are today's "heros", but they don't actually SAVE lives. they make them worse and dependent upon the savior, ie. the doctor. Most of these doctors wouldn't still be in business if they didn't cause more injury to a person by prescribing them all kinds of poisons to make them come back over and over again. Then the tests are done, that costs more money, then more treatments and more pills. It's all a scam. Most things doctors can do, you can do too, so you SHOULD. I don't like doctors, never have, and never will. I don't trust them, and they are proving to be even more incompetent by the day.

You're right Denise, their corrupt education leads them to have no clue when it comes to the reality of healing.
That's some scary statistics, doctors kill more people than guns do. Wow!

Yep. Pretty interesting when it's brought to your attention isn't it? Not something that most people think about, but it's true. They want us focused on "doctors are good" and "guns are bad", so we go and get killed at the butchers, oops i mean doctors, and don't have guns to defend ourselves.

I used to be against guns, but now i'm for them. With all i've learned in this world, I believe we'd be safer with guns than without to protect ourselves from what's about to happen. or at least what's speculated to be about to happen.
In a perfect world where we could trust our leaders, taking guns other citizens hands probably would be a good thing. When you learn what's really going on and you quickly reevaluate their previous beliefs you realize the citizens need the guns to protect themselves from an oppressive Government. As a famous quote about this:

"When governments fear the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny. The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government."
~ Thomas Jefferson
In a perfect world where we could trust our leaders, taking guns other citizens hands probably would be a good thing. When you learn what's really going on and you quickly reevaluate their previous beliefs you realize the citizens need the guns to protect themselves from an oppressive Government. As a famous quote about this:

"When governments fear the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny. The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government."
~ Thomas Jefferson

Sure, in a fair and just society, guns would only be needed to hunt. You wouldn't have the NEED to take the guns away in the first place.

That quote is about exactly what's happening. We have tyrannical governments, hence why they want the guns taken way in the first place. They know it's the ONLY way they stand a chance at FULL control.