Drunk Spray - FOR REAL - Scientists unveil way to spray yourself drunk in an instant


A small bottle of spray, will enable you to get drunk in a single squirt and its only 26$!

Immediately you're drunk. I can't believe this another thing to get teenagers hooked on and our scientists are wasting time on.

Drinkers, rejoice: There's now a way to get a buzz on in just a few seconds -- and without the harmful effects (or delicious taste) of alcohol. It's a mouth spray called "WAHH Quantum Sensations," that's emitted from a small lipstick-sized aerosol device made by American scientist David Edwards and French designer Philippe Starck, who unveiled the product in Paris on Wednesday. One squirt amounts to 0.075ml of booze, the minimum amount needed to make the average brain feel boozy. The rush only last a few seconds and quickly wears off, leaving you sober as a church mouse. Initial plans are to sell the spray in Europe for around $26, and each container is good for 21 alcoholic hits.

Only $26? One squirt or get you drunk! I can see it now people carrying this thing around like breath freshener spray. Just another thing to hurt our children, turn them into addicts so they can be more easily controlled.
I think it's terrible. I can already see the reprocussions of this "drug". Like anything else, yes, teenagers will be using this more than anyone I would imagine. And then there's the younger crowd who you know will inevitably get a hold of this and start using it. It's going to be found in schools all over and confiscated because children and teens will be "getting drunk" at school.

THEN, you have the lasting effects which will never be talked about. Well, at least not until AFTER it is found out by the public with people getting ill off of this drug spray.

I don't like it. Not 1 bit. I think it's just stupid!! And it's just plain WRONG!!!
What's next instant orgasm machines, spray caffeine? Or probably worse! But having a drink isn't good enough, they have to get an instant high off of whatever they're taking... I don't like this either anything to hurt our children!
What's next instant orgasm machines....

They already have it! I remember seeing something on Jay Leno of all things like 10 years ago, a doctor discovered that if you do something to a specific spot on a woman's back, she'll instantly orgasm. lol. And it doesn't take much either. Just sayin'.

But I see what you're saying, and I'm saying it too. What's next to harm our kids? The quicker and easier for children and teens to get high or drunk or whatever off of whatever substance, even a regulated one, the worse society will be. It has to stop now!
The goal is to create all kinds of problems in society, and offer a way out with drugs and other substances that teenagers can abuse to run from their troubles. This is done on purpose to ruin these children's lives.
The goal is to create all kinds of problems in society, and offer a way out with drugs and other substances that teenagers can abuse to run from their troubles. This is done on purpose to ruin these children's lives.

Agreed. Create the problem, then blame the people for it.