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Last week, Zionist prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Zionist-controlled mass media praised Turkish prime minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan for agreeing to “forget and forgive” the Zionist entity for murdering nine Turk aid workers on Mavi Marmara bound for Gaza Strip at international waters – and exchange ambassadors between Ankara and Tel Aviv. But as the saying goes: Jewish vengeance is endless, Erdogan is now being hounded by Zionist media for calling beer drinking “unkosher”.

Speaking at a Global Alcohol Policies Symposium in Ankara on April 26, 2013, Erdogan said: “But beer is not our drink. It was forced upon us by westerners. Indeed, our national drink is Ayran (Yogart drink or Lassi in Punjabi)”

These remarks set up anti-Islamist storm within the secular Kemalist and pro-Israel communities. Jewish Al-Monitor called Erdogan’s statement as an assault on private lives of Turks.

Someone who has read Henry Ford, Sr’s 1921 book, The International Jew, will understand the Zionist whining over Erdogan’s remarks.

“It will come to many people as new knowledge that the liquor business of the world has been in the hands of Jews. In the United States the liquor business was almost exclusively in the hands of Jews for almost 25 years previous to Prohibition…In general, the Jews are on the side of liquor and always have been…

The Jewish Encyclopedia states that ‘The establishment of the government liquor monopoly (in Russia in 1896) deprived thousands of Jewish families of a livelihood.’ They controlled the liquor traffic, the vodka business which undermined Russia. The government made the liquor business a national monopoly in order to abolish it, which was done. Liquor in Russia was Jewish, as the Encyclopedia testifies. Anyone reading carefully the article on Russia, especially pages 527 and 559 in the Jewish Encyclopedia, will be in no doubt as to the fact. In Rumania the whole ‘Jewish Question’ was the liquor question. The land of the peasants came into control of the liquor sellers, and the business of handling liquors was a strict Jewish monopoly for years. In Poland the same was true. It is not surprising, therefore, that in the United States whiskey also became Jewish.

In the volume, The Conquering Jew, published by Funk & Wagnalls Company in 1916, John Foster Fraser writes: ‘The Jews are masters of the whiskey trade in the United States. Eighty per cent of the members of the National Liquor Dealers’ Association are Jews. It has been shown that 60 percent of the business of distilling and wholesale trade in whiskey is in the hands of the Jews…,” wrote Henry Ford.

Interestingly, last year when Netanyahu urged French Jews to emigrate to the Zionist entity or when a Jew-headed American evangelist group offered $10,000 to each Iranian Jew who emigrate to the Zionist entity - none of these anti-Muslim Jewish squad questioned the moral bankruptcy of these Zionist Jewish leaders.

The World Health Organization (WHO) in its 2011 report said that the harmful use of alcohol results in the death of 2.5 million people annually including 320,000 young people aged 15-29 years. According to Elliott R. Morss, Ph.D, alcohol is far more harmful than smoking. WHO reported in 2005 that Mali top annual consumption (male litres/year) in the world followed by Bosnia and Comoros.

Alcohol is prohibited by all three Abrahamic religions. However, later, the commandment was changed in Jewish and Christian scriptures. There were several good reasons for prohibiting alcohol in the religious texts. Alcohol, like smoking is not only bad for health but drunk drivers account for approximately 41% of all automobile fatalities. This means that drunk drivers almost double your chances of dying whenever you go out on the road.

Erdogan who has played his “Zionist card” in Libya, Syria, Lebanon and Egypt – is being painted as “anti-Zionist” by Jewish lobby groups and media. In his so-called “anti-Israel” Viena speech – Erdogan had condemned antisemitism as a crime against humanity. However, professor Necemettin Erbakan (died 2011), the first Islamist prime minister of Turkey (1996-97), once told a visitor that Tayyip Erdogan was a very pro-Zionist.

Erdogan’s anti-beer remark upsets Islamophobes | Rehmat's World