Elite Pedophile Ring Exposed In Portugal


Truth feeder
London Guardian
Friday, September 3, 2010

FLASHBACK: Prison Planet Archive – Elite Sex Rings

One of Portugal’s most famous television presenters and a former ambassador to Unesco were among those who abused boys in a paedophile ring involving the country’s state-run orphanages, according to a court verdict released today.

The verdict being read out today at a Lisbon court brings to an end the long-running scandal over a child prostitution racket involving young boys from the Casa Pia network of orphanages.

Clients included people from the country’s professional, government and media elites, according to trial evidence. Systematic sexual abuse involving orphanage employees was also revealed.

Newspaper websites and television stations provided live running coverage of this morning’s reading of what the Portuguese legal system calls the “proven facts” of a case that has shocked the country.

Former secretary of state for families Teresa Costa Macedo, who presented the evidence to Ramalho Eanes and sent a dossier to police that was later lost, said she received anonymous threats by phone and post.

“They said they would kill me, flay me and a lot of other things,” she said.

Full story here.

Guilty After Six-Year Trial, Portugal's High-Society Paedophile Ring

09-04-2010 04:49 AM

'To most people Portugal's state-run orphanages seemed like a safe haven for thousands of children who had been robbed of their parents. They were called the Casa Pia, or Houses of the Pious.**

But for an elite paedophile ring, which included a former ambassador and a prominent television celebrity, Casa Pia orphanages were something entirely different. They were supermarkets stocked with children to abuse. Yesterday, at the conclusion of the longest trial in Portugal's history, seven defendants were convicted of using the orphanages to rape and abuse scores of teenage boys in a case that has sent shockwaves through the country's political elite and raised serious concerns over the efficiency of Portugal's judiciary. Six of the seven were given jail terms of between five and 18 years.'

Read more:*Guilty After Six-Year Trial, Portugal's High-Society Paedophile Ring