
  1. Lady of Light

    Flying Black Triangles Sightings Recently In Detroit, Michigan as well as Other Places

    On March 29th 2013 in the skies above Detroit Michigan was sighted a large black triangle "ship" of some sort. This UFO and others like it have been spotted for many years in many locations; this one seems to be the most recent and it hits home because as most of you already know, is not far...
  2. Lady of Light

    [Channeled] A Few Words On “Psychic” – We Don’t All Agree, We Don’t All See or Interpret The Same Things – Lady of Light (November 2012)

    I would like to make a note about this information. I had this written and was ready to be shared back in November, hence why it is dated for November. For reasons beyond my control it didn't get posted until now. There is a section that is clearly outdated now, but I will not remove it as this...
  3. J

    Hello Unhypnotize!

    This is Jvadnais from Massachusetts saying "hello" to everyone on this forum!
  4. 100th Monkey

    Similarities between Thomas Townsend Brown (TTB) and Doc Brown (Emmett Brown) of the "Back to the Future" movies

    This was started in another thread and I thought it deserves its own thread. The original thread is here: https://unhypnotize.com/debates/90027-linda-brown-daughter-thomas-townsend-brown-ttb-6.html#post101517 Just in case someone finds this thread and wants to read more on TTB. Some...
  5. Lady of Light

    [Attention] Merry Christmas 2012 From Lady of Light and Unhypnotize

    Merry Christmas everyone! Just to point out, I’m not pushing the Christmas thing to be some sort of religion specific shun everyone else thing. It’s just because I was raised Catholic and most of the people that I know celebrate Christmas, so it is in me to only really KNOW Christmas and go...
  6. L

    [ALERT!] Psychic Self Defence--Dr Joshua David Stone

  7. Lady of Light

    [Channeled] Free Yourself, Free Your Mind – Acknowledge What Is Happening To You & Learn To Move On - Lady of Light - November 14, 2012

    Lady of Light Unhypnotize.com November 14th 2012 Acknowledgement: One must acknowledge all that is happening. This is true of everything in one’s life. All situations must be faced in order to gain closure and move on. All pain (physical and emotional) must be acknowledged before it can be...
  8. H

    Hypnotizing.com domain name is for sale. Hypnotizing.com can be your website.

    Hypnotizing.com is one of the top 3 best names in the hypnotic world. As most of us know, a one word .com is worth a fortune. Its a One Word Domain name which has 246,000 monthly Google searches world wide and 96,500 Local searches. Once you build a website using Hypnotizing.com you will get...
  9. Lady of Light

    Rules For Listing / Selling In The Unhypnotize Marketplace (Subject To Change - Read Before Each Post!)

    No selling of illegal merchandise / products / services. All listings will be moderated and are subject to approval by the Unhypnotize.com staff. Anyone caught breaking these rules will have their ads removed and they will be permanently banned from Unhypnotize.com. This site...
  10. Lady of Light

    Linda Brown's "Rain On The Windows Papers" - A Continuation

    This is a continuation for Linda Brown and her “Rain on the Window Papers” thread that she had started over on The Living Moon. Since I no longer have access to that thread, I am going to continue with what visions and messages I get, here on Unhypnotize in this thread. Linda, I started to...
  11. Lady of Light

    [Channeled] Taking Risks: You Have Nothing To Lose But Fear - Lady of Light - September 21, 2012

    Lady of Light September 21st 2012 Unhypnotize.com There are times in your life when you just have to get over your fear and just take the chance. What's the worst that could possibly happen? If you don't try, you'll never know. If you don't ASK you will never know. What have you got to...
  12. Unhypnotize

    My Favourite Book List, and Yours?

    My Favourite Book List, and Yours? I have a list of my favourite books to share; it is growing. It covers areas like spiritual science, hypnosis, astral projection, parapsychology, channelling, spirituality, ETs, meditation, remote viewing, education psychology, micro-expression, self-help...
  13. Lady of Light

    [Channeled] The Subjective Illusion of Reality - Lady of Light - September 12, 2012

    Lady of Light September 12 2012 Unhypnotize.com It has been said time and time again by many people including myself; “Don’t’ believe anything you hear from anyone else but from yourself”. All of my channeled information comes to me through “meditative trance”. As the information streams...
  14. 2

    [Update!] It's not just Homeland Security: US Army orders riot gear too

    I know I sound like a broken record, but something's going to go down. I keep looking for things to fit together like a jigsaw puzzle. Why is it we get news like this from the Russian Times, when our MSM likes to give us the fluff pieces, or drone on about scandals ad nauseum. I have a...
  15. Lady of Light

    [Channeled] A Random Assortment of Important Messages (25 Messages) – Lady of Light – July 31, 2012

    Lady of Light Unhypnotize.com July 31, 2012 I have been gathering random channeled bits of information for the past 6 months. These pieces of information, at this time, cannot be elaborated on as no further information is coming in on any of these subjects. So this leads me to present the...
  16. Lady of Light

    How To Release Your Psychic Potential - Lady of Light - July 21 2012

    Lady of Light July 21, 2012 Unhypnotize.com Releasing Your Inner Psychic: Being psychic, simply put, is being completely in tune with everything around you. Since there are many different aspects to psychic abilities, I will break them down individually as best I can. There will be abilities...
  17. BlueAce

    Hello everybody :) BlueAce here..

    Hella :) So I was just googling hypnotism, found this place, and felt like registering. So, I know somethings about hypnotism and NLP (I downloaded and viewed the conferences of Dr. Richard Bandler) ... however I have never tried any of that stuff IRL. I practise lucid dreaming and am really...
  18. Lady of Light

    [Channeled] Don’t Give it Another Thought: When Life Gets You Down, Don’t Worry - Lady of Light - July 7, 2012

    Lady of Light July 7, 2012 Unhypnotize.com There are those situations in life where we are faced with challenges, usually erupting from something to do with finances, but not solely restricted to such. In these situations, we tend to worry. We become afraid of what’s going to happen if...
  19. Lady of Light

    [Channeled] Taking The Fear Away: December 21st 2012 – It’s Not The End Of The World – Lady of Light, July 3 2012

    Lady of Light July 3rd, 2012 Unhypnotize.com With the 2012 ‘end-date’ looming, it is important to talk about what’s going on. For the last couple of days, I have been bombarded with messages that I am being told to share NOW. Today (July 3rd, 2012) is the strongest push to get the ‘right’...
  20. Lady of Light

    [Attention] Elliot Lake Ontario Canada Algo Centre Mall Roof Collapses Saturday June 23rd 2012

    In light of recent events, this is news that needs to be reported here on Unhypnotize. All of Canada has heard about this story by now and as a country, we are all deeply concerned as to the well-being of the people that were trapped in the building under the rubble. So it must be reported here...