Gorillas... 98.6% Human or Humans... 98.6% Gorilla

White Rabbit

New member
I found this video fascinating, I just want to share with everybody on the site.

This video is about a team of explorers that go to Rwanda to see different families of mountain gorillas or silverbacks. They demonstrate in this video how silverbacks are not aggressive as they are portrayed in Hollywood movies. They are vegetarians and do not eat meat. They have families with children and usually one lead silverback male protects family. The large males way around 400 to 450 pounds. The thing I found most interesting about this video is that the silverback male mountain gorilla seems nonaggressive and very peaceful.

Video Description:
On a trip to Rwanda, explore had the opportunity to visit four families of wild mountain gorillas, a species with only 720 remaining members. Their guide is Craig Sholley, who has been intimately involved in the preservation of African wildlife for more than 30 years. The team's thrilling interaction with these peaceful creatures - who share 98.6% of their genetic makeup with humans - is a startling reminder of their own humanity. Distributed by Tubemogul.

explore™ (Shenbin & Jinke - Pandas - explore) is a multimedia organization that documents leaders around the world who have devoted their lives to extraordinary causes. Both educational and inspirational, explore creates a portal into the soul of humanity by championing the selfless acts of others.
This just goes to show that we're lied to about just about EVERYTHING. They want us in fear at all time. They want us to harm others and other creatures to prove the human race to be savages so they can punish us for it.

Did you see the way that mommy looked at her baby? That was just like any human mother who loves her baby. And the frame that was chosen as the cover for this video, that's just so peaceful and awe-inspiring. What a lovely family.

Gorillas, one of the most peaceful creatures on this planet, that we are exactly like in so many ways, yet they are said to be viscous to make us believe that we are the same, and we are made to fear these magnificent beings. I mean, I've seen on discovery channel somewhere all about how the Silverback Gorilla is dangerous and should be feared cuz he'll kill you. What a crock of S**T!

Makes you wonder, how many OTHER creatures are docile, and we are made to believe they will kill us? I'm not saying we shouldn't use caution around animals or anything, especially wild ones, but what other lies are we being fed?

If they can lie about the true nature of an animal, knowing full well that it IS in fact a lie, then they can lie to you about ANYTHING and have you believe it.
This is a truly incredible video which is inspiring to say the least. This should inspire us as humans to be more like what our true nature would have us be. We are much like these gorillas, yet we are pulled by many different things that keep us from being peaceful and loving the way these wonderful creatures are.
I had no idea silverback gorillas were not dangerous, I was under the impression that they would kill you and possibly each you if you came in contact with one. I guess that's a scientist way of making us believe that our base human nature is violence. When the truth of the matter is the base human nature like the gorilla is peacefulness.
You've been lying to about many animals in the animal kingdom, the TV is constantly putting a belief system in your mind about these animals so you will be living your life in fear and not going out to find out for yourself. You are an animal and are part of nature, therefore interacting with the animals is perfectly natural for us. But they keep telling us that we are not nature, you are just as much a part of nature as the apes are.
So if we are part of nature, does that mean all of our actions whether in balance with nature out of balance with nature are perfectly acceptable?
So if we are part of nature, does that mean all of our actions whether in balance with nature out of balance with nature are perfectly acceptable?

The problem with that is, we are NOT in balance, and that is why things are so wrong, so very, very wrong. If we were in balance with nature, life would be wonderful, and it's not, it's simply not.

However, being part of nature, we WILL end up balanced out, eventually. Life always balances itself.

That does NOT make it right for us to act in a harmful manner.

Just my opinion, and we all know I'm very opinionated! :)
How can you really tell were actually out of balance?
Because we are part nature, nature will balance us out for itself, eventually! Which may not be in our lifetime.
We're out of balance because we factory farm everything and have gotten away from nature because of the way our "governments" have forced us to live.

We CAN get back to that. and we CAN do it within the next 50 years or less.
I think balance is relative, in balance with the planet is something I believe we've always been in. The corporations are running this planet however are not in balance, and are destroying our planet in various ways. If we stop the corporations, we gain more balance to our world.