Healing Request; Father-in-law diagnosed with cancer (again)


New member
Hello everyone, I was referred here from elsewhere. It seems that this particular forum is a bit dead, but I hope some someone out there can see this. It's a shame there aren't more boards that focus on energy work. I have used it myself throughout my life, but my family is facing a situation right now that I feel needs more oomph.

My father-in-law, my boyfriend (basically husband's) stepdad, whom we live in the same house with, has been diagnosed with cancer again. He had colon cancer around 4 years ago and beat it, while also losing some of his intestines. He has been great since then, turning his life around and being active and eating well. However, while making dinner my boyfriend noticed some paperwork on the table from today's mail, and he snooped through it. Apparently his stepdad has been diagnosed with colon cancer again, that has also spread to his liver. We assume he had just found out that day.

This is a very scary time for us, and discovering that news instantly ruined my day. My boyfriend lost his mother to lung cancer at the same time his stepdad was diagnosed 4 years ago. His stepdad has been on top of doctor appointments since his initial diagnosis, so from the sounds of it, this has been caught early. Judging by the last time he had cancer, I'm going to assume he'll jump head first into treatment as soon as possible.

I am already attempting to help him as much as I can, but I'm not the best person for this stuff, because I myself suffer from severe anxiety and deal with a lot of stress because of it.

If any of you could be so kind to keep him (and the rest of us for that matter) in your thoughts, I would be forever grateful. His name is Larry.

I hope you all have a wonderful day, please be well. Thank you.
Hi PurpleTree. Although the forum may be very quiet, your request has been seen. :) As an energy worker, I will do what I can for all of you.
Thank you very much! I did not expect a response, so I'm delighted to get some help. I am a firm believer in energy work, I only wish I was better at it myself.

Have a wonderful day and I hope you are well. Thank you again for helping.
I'm being told to tell you to "be prepared". I will keep sending energy toward him and yourself and all of you there that are in need. I will continue to do what I can.
Thank you!

I have some good news; he finally mentioned the cancer to us on his own today. Apparently it was literally caught as early as possible, he said it's so microscopic that they can't even get a sample of it. Because of this, he has a very broad range of treatment options, that, from the sound of things, will be pretty successful.

I suppose the dark side of that news is that because it's so small, I am personally worried that it could be other places as well. However, I am not a doctor, so I don't really know the odds of that. Just the fact that it's microscopic is promising for treatment though.

Larry is in high spirits and appears to have taken his diagnosis with ease. Deep down I feel confident that he can fight this off again, but my anxiety-ridden side will be worried until it's over. I think the real issue at this point is the hard reality check that's been thrown on my boyfriend and I. I have been dealing with severe mental health issues for the last 11 years or so, they got bad enough that I was forced to quit my job a year ago. It's a struggle for me to take the leap and get help, because I am so stressed over things that I cannot even use a telephone without experiencing panic attacks. This situation has sent the two of us into a fight or flight mode, because if anything were to happen to Larry, we would need to be able to support the house and the bills... which we cannot do together right now. It's very scary, and I'm going to have to jump head first into a lot of stuff that's going to stretch me to my own breaking point.

I have always believed that things get better. I have been through a lot of tragedy in my life, and I have always been blessed with a path, or a "way out" just when things look the most grim. So I am confident that everything will happen as it should, and we will be helped when we need it most.

Again, thank you. I hope that he can beat this easily and go on living his life. I very much appreciate the time you have taken to help, and I hope you are all blessed in return.