House Debates DADT Repeal [LIVE STREAM]


The U.S. House of Representatives began debating a new bill aimed at repealing the "don't ask, don't tell" policy that forbids gays and lesbians from serving openly in the military.

Brought to the floor by House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, the measure has a fairly good chance of passing in an up or down vote. How it will fare in the Senate is less certain.
What The Heck..!!
That bill needs repealing. If I was in the military, I would not want some gay guy watching me take a shower. It is different if you don't know someone is gay, but when you know they are gay it changes everything. If they look at you or talk to you in the shower, you could get upset because you don't know what his motives are. That would be like the men taking a shower with women, would you want us watching you in the shower? I guess If the bill doesn't get repealed, they could build another shower just for gays..I not homophelic, but enough is enough..and as other countries look at our military, I don't think the image of a bunch of gay soldiers is a strong image...And if you gays don't like my opinion, go march somewhere or something..!!