How to spot a false prophecy (Video)


This video clip details how to determine and verify the dream or vision originates from GOD or god like beings.

Most of us have experienced Dreams, Visions or Prophecies and so on and may have made them obtainable on the internet for people with are opinion of it. What if is rather then discriminating the presented dream we let other decided what it means to them?

Oh I see your point on the video, most people I would imagine would take somebody else's interpretation of their dreams or visions as just that somebody else's interpretation. If you take it as anything else then obviously your susceptible to believing almost anything.
Oh I see your point on the video, most people I would imagine would take somebody else's interpretation of their dreams or visions as just that somebody else's interpretation. If you take it as anything else then obviously your susceptible to believing almost anything.


We should always determine for ourselves what is right and what is wrong, and never let another's opinion cloud our own judgment. After all, to find truth, we have to look all around and trust what we believe to be true, but at the same time, don't close our minds around what we believe at any given time because there is ALWAYS more information to be gained when it comes to what is true and real. It's been stated that we live in a world of illusion, and i believe it. That being said, use your judgment to know what is coming from "god" and what is not.
I can't say that I've had any prophecies relayed to me in dreams or otherwise. But now that I have this information, if I ever do, I will better know how to spot the difference between what is real and what is faked.
The problem with truth, is that your perspective on life changes as time goes on. So what's true for you now may not be true to you in 10 years because the accumulated wisdom changes your point of view again and again. So what is truth really?
What do you think happens in a court room, the defense lawyer and the prosecution lawyer's job is to change the perspective of the judge and jury into their favor. Not necessarily to give them a point of view of truth. Even when you have firsthand knowledge of an event your perspective on what happened may not even be the truth. Because our individual preference in our life experience change what we see of that event.

So good question what is truth?