Humans may have evolved from sharks...

What next rocks?

No kidding. And that excuse would be because our bodies hold so many of the same minerals as the rocks, we evolved from them, and that's why we need to keep the minerals in our systems. LOL!

Well, with all the genetic manipulation that we've been told happened with the Annunaki, I would say we didn't EVOLVE from sharks, but that sharks and other things, were just different experiments, just like we were. And still possibly are.
NO, the next one will be evolve from water, because were 98% water.:biglaugh::alienlaugh:

Yes, good point, LMFAO! They'll say anything to keep us distracted, won't they?

The problem is, these so-called scientists don't know ANYTHING and can't do any thinking outside of the box of lies they were taught.

So I'm surprised they haven't said that one yet, "we're related to water!", ROTFL!!!
Consider how many things in schools are taught as fact when in fact they are just a theory. They should have to label information just like we label our foods. Any information that we are getting that has not been proven and is just a theory should have a "T" for example. So that when any student is reading this information they would be well aware that it is only what somebody thought may be true.
Consider how many things in schools are taught as fact when in fact they are just a theory. They should have to label information just like we label our foods. Any information that we are getting that has not been proven and is just a theory should have a "T" for example. So that when any student is reading this information they would be well aware that it is only what somebody thought may be true.

Agreed. Things that are in fact theory should be taught as such. Hell, EVERYTHING should be taught as theory. No one really knows for sure on most things, yet these things are somehow "facts". But, if you teach people the truth, they don't make good sheep. They are allowed to think for themselves, and the powers that be don't want that, not at all. Who would they control if the people had a proper education where they can think freely?
You're right even facts have been proven to be false, everything should be considered to be a theory to the can never really be truly proven. Until we have godlike powers that is.
Godlike powers? We won't get godlike powers until we are responsible enough to use them properly. Remember that famous Spiderman saying "with great powers comes great responsibilities". If you were given godlike powers right now, you would also need to be given the ability to be "all knowing" because without that, you'd make a lot of mistakes.
You also have to remember that "absolute power corrupts absolutely". Maybe that's why we have so many natural disasters?