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On December 22, 2011 – Israeli daily Jerusalem Post had reported that with the fourth anniversary of the martyrdom of Hizbullah commander, Imad Mughniyeh, approaching – Israel Occupation Force (IOF) has beefed-up security around former IOF chief Lt. Gen. Gabi Ashkenazi and former Mossad chief Gen. Meir Dagan. It’s Dagan who masterminded the assassination of Imad Mughniyeh in Damascus in February 2008 followed by an assassination attempt on Syrian General Mohammed Suleiman in Damascus.

Hizbullah has no past history of assassination of Israeli war-criminals inside Israel. However, notorious for assassination and terrorism around the world – Israeli leaders are usually affraid of their own shadows.

Since, 2009, the hoax of assassination of top Israeli military official has become an annual ritual in Israel. This time, the threat hoax originates from Sheikh Nasrallah’s warning during February 16, 2010 ‘Martyred Leaders Day’.

“If you bomb Rafik Hariri international airport in Beirut, we will bomb Ben-Gurion airport in Tel Aviv. If you bomb our docks, we will bomb your docks. If you bomb our oil refineries, we will bomb your oil refineries. If you bomb our factories, we will bomb your factories. And if you bomb our power plants, we will bomb your power plants,” said Sheikh Nasrallah. During his speech, Nasrallah reiterated Hizbullah’s commitment to retaliate. “Our options are open and we have all the time in the world,” he said, adding, “What we want is a revenge that rises to the level of Imad Mugniyyeh“.

That was a very anti-Semitic statement Sheikh Nasrallah made, right!

Lt. Gen. Gabi Ashkenazi is one of the 15 Israeli leaders whose names were submitted by Lebanese lawyers to the International Criminal Court (ICC) in the Hague (Netherlands) in 2008, for investigation and prosecution on charges of war crimes and crimes against humanity by ordering and maintaining a siege on Gaza.

In Summer 2006, during 34-day war with Hizbullah, IOF killed over 1200 civilians and 49 Hizbullah fighters while losing 149 of its soldiers. However, it inflicted billions of dollars damage to Lebanese infrastructure. On December 24, 2011 – UN General Assembly passed by 165:8 vote a draft resolution, once again calling the Zionist regime to compensate Lebanon for the damaged it caused the country during the July-August 2006 war. Washington has invariably stonewalled the actions taken through the UN against Tel Aviv. The others were, – defence minister Ehud Barak, prime minister Ehud Olmert, foreign minister Tzipi Livni, Tehran-born Chief of General Staff Gen. Shaul Mofaz, Gen. Moshe Boige Yaalon, deputy defense minister Matan Vinai, Maj.Gen. Giora Eiland, head of Israeli airforce Eliezer Shkedy, Maj.Gen. Doron Almog, Lt. Gen. Dan Halutz, head of internal security Carmi Gillon, head of Shin Bet Avi Dichter, Iraqi-born Brig.Gen. Binyamin Ben-Eliezer and Morocco-born defense minister Amir Peretz.

Israel: ‘Hizbullah to kill top Israeli Generals’ | Rehmat's World