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    Truth about Israel

    True Torah Jews - In depth analysis! Rabbi Yaakov Shapiro...
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    Did US throw Israel under bus on Syria?

    Today, John Kerry, the Crypto-Jew, told reporters at US ambassador’s residence in London that Syrian President Bashar Assad “has lost the legitimacy to be able to be a cohesive force that could bring people together.” Kerry also said that America wants the so-called “Geneva II” conference next...
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    Max Blumenthal on Racism and Violence in Israel

    The Jewish columnist and author, Max Blumenthal, in his new book, ‘Goliath: Life and Loathing in Greater Israel’, recounts his personal experience while reporting from the Zionist entity for four years. ”I was most surprised at the banality of the racism and violence that I witnessed and how...
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    Roger Waters: ‘Israel is an Apartheid State’

    On September 7, 2013, Alon Hadar of Israel’s top Hebrew daily Yedioth Ahronoth, interviewed Pink Floyd’s Roger Waters in Amsterdam. The edited version of the interview was published by the paper on September 18, 2013. In the edited version, Waters’ statements criticizing the Zionist regime were...
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    Erdogan: ‘Keep Turkey-Israel collaboration in secret’

    On October 8, 2013, Iran’s Fars News Agency reported that Turkish prime minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has urged senior political and security members of his cabinet to keep secret any news about his government’s relations and cooperation with the Zionist regime on different issues concerning...
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    Gantz: Hizbullah poses a major threat to Israel

    Lt. Gen. Benny Gantz, head of Israel Occupation Force (IOF) told a conference on Monday that Lebanese Islamic resistance “Hizbullah has capabilities that many states don’t have – in terms of scope and strength”. Gantz was a keynote speaker at Bar-Ilan University’s Begin-Sadat Center for...
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    Belgian scholar: ‘No more wars for Israel’

    Last month, Professor Jean Bricmont (University of Louvain in Belgium) authored an article, titled ‘The People Against the 800 Pound Gorilla’ claiming that Israel is pushing Washington to attack Syria. “An American friend who knows Washington well told us recently that ‘everybody’ there knows...
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    Madagascar, Israel and the Organ traffickers

    On October 2, two Europeans suspected of human organ trafficking were burned alive by the residents on the island of Nosy Be. Nosy Be is an island off the tip of mainland Madagascar and is a major attraction for Israeli and European tourists for its turquoise waters and white-sand beaches. Last...
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    Iran’s appointment to UN First Committee offends Lobby

    On October 1, 2013, right after his racist rant against Rouhani, Benjamin Netanyahu received a slap on his face from the UN Disarmament and International Security Committee (UNDISC). It unanimously appointed Iran as its new rapporteur (senior communication officer) for one year. The position...
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    Washington: ‘Shutdown is antisemitic’

    In order to avoid the looming government Shutdown, Obama administration even applied the “Israeli honey-trap” on the pro-Israel majority in the Congress. “In the absence of a continuing resolution, FY 2014 security assistance funding for Israel will be delayed until a continuing resolution or...
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    N. Korea to Netanyahu: “Israel is a Cancer”

    Yesterday, diplomats at the UN General Assembly (UNGA) watch the disgusting replay of the drama from Book of Esther. Benjamin Netanyahu played the part of Haman, the former Jewish prime minister of Persia. He called for the new Holocaust of Iranian people. Over 2,000 years ago, Haman committed...
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    Uri Avnery: ‘Ahmadinejad was Mossad agent!’

    Today, I read the most repulsive and bigoted article written by Uri Avnery. He is the founder of the so-called “Israeli Peace Block (Gush Sholam)”, and a darling of “Israeli Left”. American Jewish writer and blogger, Roger Tucker, on the other hand, has called Avnery a Closet Zionist along with...
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    ADL: ‘Thou shalt not blame Israel for Syrian mess’

    Abraham Foxman, head of the Anti-Dafamation League (ADL), one of America’s top Israel lobby groups, issued a statement on September 18, 2013, claiming that people who blame Israel or Jews for the bloodshed in Syria or America’s military threats against Syria – are conspiracy theorists and...
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    Israel’s new false flag in Mumbai

    While world attention was focussed on UN annual gathering in New York, the Zionist mafia was busy in warmongering thousands miles away in India. On September 25, India’s prime minister Dr. Manmohan Singh confirmed that he plans to meet his Pakistani counterpart, Nawaz Sharif on the sidelines of...
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    Israel: ‘The Worst State on the Planet’

    In 2003, a poll taken by the European Commission among its 15 member nations irked the Zionist entity, because 59% of the 7,500 participants chose Israel as the greatest threat to world peace ahead of North Korea, Afghanistan and Iran. I have been told by many Israeli hasbara idiots that...
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    Israeli terror at Nairobi’s ‘Jewish Mall’

    The Zionist Mafia including Barack Obama and David Cameron have blamed Somalian Muslim resistance group Al-Shabaab for the seige of Israeli-owned and run Nairobi Shopping Mall, which began on Saturday. Many stores in the mall are run by Israeli companies and individuals. The mall is one of the...
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    Rouhani corners Obama on Israel

    Iran’s “moderate” President Hassan Rouhani, is not losing any time in showing the world America’s double standards. Last week, he gave an interview to NBC’s ann Curry. In the interview he offered friendly gestures toward the United States and its anti-Iran allies while pledging that his...
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    Israeli historian: 'Jews are not Semitic people’

    Israeli historian, professor Eran Elhaik (Johns Hopkins University) in a study published by the Genome Biology And Evolution on December 5, 2012, had claimed that the European Jews (Ashkenazis) are not Semitic (Hebrew) people but are decendents of Khazarian Turkic tribes. This revelation by a...
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    Egypt joins Israel’s Grand Design

    In 1968, John Mitchell Henshaw, wrote in The American Mercury: “The grand design of Judaic-Zionist expansionist doctrine is to seize all the oil-rich lands from the shores of the Euphrates to the banks of the Nile.” “According to the Zionists’ schedule of operations, within a decade Israeli...
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    Make Israel join the Syria Plan

    Syrian president Bashar al-Assad under pressure from Moscow and Tehran has agreed to put country’s chemical weapons under international supervision. Most probably, these weapons will be secured and destroyed in mid-2014. After eliminating one source of chemical Holocaust – the next step for...