Maya Archaeologists Unearth New 2012 Monument With 'End Date' of Dec. 21, 2012


ScienceDaily (June 28, 2012) — Archaeologists working at the site of La Corona in Guatemala have discovered a 1,300-year-old-year Maya text that provides only the second known reference to the so-called "end date" of the Maya calendar, December 21, 2012. The discovery, one of the most significant hieroglyphic finds in decades, was announced June 28 at the National Palace in Guatemala.

"This text talks about ancient political history rather than prophecy," says Marcello A. Canuto, director of Tulane's Middle American Research Institute and co-director of the excavations at La Corona.

Since 2008, Canuto and Tomás Barrientos of the Universidad del Valle de Guatemala have directed excavations at La Corona, a site previously ravaged by looters.
"Last year, we realized that looters of a particular building had discarded some carved stones because they were too eroded to sell on the antiquities black market," said Barrientos, "so we knew they found something important, but we also thought they might have missed something."

What Canuto and Barrientos found was the longest text ever discovered in Guatemala. Carved on staircase steps, it records 200 years of La Corona history, states David Stuart, director of the Mesoamerica Center at The University of Texas at Austin, who was part of a 1997 expedition that first explored the site.

While deciphering these new finds in May, Stuart recognized the 2012 reference on a stairway block bearing 56 delicately carved hieroglyphs. It commemorated a royal visit to La Corona in AD 696 by the most powerful Maya ruler of that time, Yuknoom Yich'aak K'ahk' of Calakmul, only a few months after his defeat by long-standing rival Tikal in AD 695. Thought by scholars to have been killed in this battle, this ruler was visiting allies and allaying their fears after his defeat.

"This was a time of great political turmoil in the Maya region and this king felt compelled to allude to a larger cycle of time that happens to end in 2012," says Stuart.

So, rather than prophesy, the 2012 reference places this king's troubled reign and accomplishments into a larger cosmological framework.

"In times of crisis, the ancient Maya used their calendar to promote continuity and stability rather than predict apocalypse," says Canuto.
This is really interesting, in particular the part about the Mayan ruler more interested in giving information to his ally about 2012. Makes you wish you could be a fly on the wall when he was communicating this information.
Well regardless of what happens on 2012 I'm not worried about it. It's either death or enlightenment. Why should we worry?
This is really interesting, in particular the part about the Mayan ruler more interested in giving information to his ally about 2012. Makes you wish you could be a fly on the wall when he was communicating this information.

I found the same thing interesting as well, they must know why 2012 is important to the Mayans. Are they hiding something from us? I currently believe it's a time of transformation.
I think that this information is significant to supporting some event occurring in 2012. It does not mean it's going to be the apocalypse or the end of the world though.
My take on 2012 is that the event mentioned in the bible of one will be taken and one will be left behind will occur before the catastrophe and that most people will be spared because of God's mercy. The people who will not be spared are the ones causing the wars and setting policy of destroying the family and civilization. How will we go? I believe spacecraft. Hey God has a sense of humor and compassion so we don't get too freaked out getting beamed somewhere else.
My take on 2012 is that the event mentioned in the bible of one will be taken and one will be left behind will occur before the catastrophe and that most people will be spared because of God's mercy. The people who will not be spared are the ones causing the wars and setting policy of destroying the family and civilization. How will we go? I believe spacecraft. Hey God has a sense of humor and compassion so we don't get too freaked out getting beamed somewhere else.

A spacecraft is a definite possibility, was Jesus just a highly evolved alien?
A spacecraft is a definite possibility, was Jesus just a highly evolved alien?

It's not impossible that Jesus could've been some form of alien, considering the fact that an Angel was said to have impregnated Mary, hence the reason why we call her the Virgin Mary.
This is really interesting, in particular the part about the Mayan ruler more interested in giving information to his ally about 2012. Makes you wish you could be a fly on the wall when he was communicating this information.

Ya. no kidding. It's great that the record is there and that we can now learn from it.

Well regardless of what happens on 2012 I'm not worried about it. It's either death or enlightenment. Why should we worry?

That's exactly what I was thinking. Why should we be worried about it. I know, it takes some time to get to that conclusion, but really, what is to fear. Even if it IS death, there is still the possibility for enlightenment and ascension, right?

I found the same thing interesting as well, they must know why 2012 is important to the Mayans. Are they hiding something from us? I currently believe it's a time of transformation.

I don't think the Mayans were trying to hide anything from the future generations. I believe they wanted to make sure we knew and were able to be prepared for what is to come. As for the people who have FOUND this information, ya, I guess there is always the possibility of them hiding information from us. After all, they do for almost everything else.

I think that this information is significant to supporting some event occurring in 2012. It does not mean it's going to be the apocalypse or the end of the world though.

For sure there's something going to happen. What it is, who knows, we'll find out when it happens. My only thing on it is, what if it's not on that exact date? People won't believe it if they are counting on it to be that date with no possibility of it being a little off and it doesn't happen right then. Just pointing that out. :)

My take on 2012 is that the event mentioned in the bible of one will be taken and one will be left behind will occur before the catastrophe and that most people will be spared because of God's mercy. The people who will not be spared are the ones causing the wars and setting policy of destroying the family and civilization. How will we go? I believe spacecraft. Hey God has a sense of humor and compassion so we don't get too freaked out getting beamed somewhere else.

Sure, there's always the possibility of it being spacecraft coming. Since there hasn't been widespread contact for such a long time, I think this is a good possibility.

It's not impossible that Jesus could've been some form of alien, considering the fact that an Angel was said to have impregnated Mary, hence the reason why we call her the Virgin Mary.

Yep. Absolutely. Not impossible by any means.

In any case, I'm keeping an open mind to what will happen. I'm sure there is going to be some major changes, but as for what they are I have no clue.