[Attention] Military prepping for presidents excutive order on Gun control?

That reminds me a lot of the video of all those tanks on the train through Burbank a while back.

From what I understand, and I don't know how accurate this is, but I once heard that a country is not allowed to use its own military forces against its people and that they need to use another country's military instead. So, if they ARE getting ready to use force on their own people, they are in violation. I don't know if that's true, but that's what I heard, can't remember where or when or from who, but that's what I heard.

Regardless of WHAT'S actually happening, it's disturbing to say the least.
You heard correctly except that I hadn't heard about using another countries tanks, but that's not saying that it's not in their or constitutional attorneys interpret it this way.

Yes it is disturbing, most of us never learned from the lessons History teaches from Roman Empire to Nazi Germany. Part of it alot of our ill informed young people are voting to young to be informed on the real issues I' m not saying all of them but alot they're too busy voting for the next American Idol or the next one who can dance better or the next one that has the X-factor, and or voting just because their parents voted that way and both parties I think have changed.

God help this country when they're old enough to serve in politics.

But I've always like History, hated math with a passion, still mathematically challenged without a calculator. :;
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Thanks for jogging the memory about his executive order and for further detail. :) Hadn't thought about that forgot about the petitions that were sent to secede.

Agree with the National Guard statement, I guess regular military would be called though if it got out of hand.