[Cool!] Mysterious Ghost Car Spotted At Night Windsor Ontario Canada - Sunday May 6th (During Waning Supermoon)

Lady of Light

An interesting thing happened tonight on the way home. I was at a corner on the back roads (fully housed streets, mid city) and I saw what looked like a ghosted image of a grey or silver mini-van pulling out of a driveway on the street I was about to turn on. It was to the right and across the other side of the street (oncoming traffic side). I was about to turn right, this would have placed me behind the vehicle driving. There was a bit of my sight blocked by another van parked on the side of the street so it was in between me and the other "ghost" van. When I turned the corner, there was no grey van. It didn't exist. There is nowhere it could have gone. This was at night too, so there were no lights to have seen going anywhere, yet when it came out of that driveway, the lights (head and tail, were on. Where did it go? Was it even there?

It would appear that I have seen one of these "ghost cars" that you hear about.

This isn't the first time I had ever seen one, but I never thought to make a note of it the other times; and it's been a while since I recall seeing one. The last one was during the day, and I was not alone, nor was I the only one who saw it.

Anyhow, the van was gone, disappeared. It looked ghosted to begin with. My best guess as to these "ghost cars" is that they are simply within another frequency, so they may appear for a second or two, but then they are completely gone as if they didn't exist; much like a ghost.

So, because I hadn’t noted it before, this is the start of my documentation on this subject.

If anyone else has had a similar experience, I invite you to share your story, right here.
That's cool! During the supermoon is even cooler, even if it is AFTER the full moon. You know what they say, weird stuff happens under a full moon. I haven't as of yet noticed any of these ghost cars around, even though I've heard about them. Now I wanna watch for them. Cool stuff!

Now that YOU've shared your story of this, maybe others will too. That'd be awesome. Thanks Lady!
Thats fucking creepy I had a dream about a grey volkswagen car or light looking color car with human looking people wearing black suits picking me up. There were three of them two caucasian one african american. I tried to post my dream about it. But when I went to post it brought me back to the sighn up page and lost everything I wrote. I guess I will rewrite it.
Thats fucking creepy I had a dream about a grey volkswagen car or light looking color car with human looking people wearing black suits picking me up. There were three of them two caucasian one african american. I tried to post my dream about it. But when I went to post it brought me back to the sighn up page and lost everything I wrote. I guess I will rewrite it.

Sorry to hear that you lost everything you typed. If you look just under the login box at the top when you log in, there is a box that says "remember me", if you check that box, you won't get the time-out you got. Again, sorry about that. Time-outs happen after 15 minutes of what looks like inactivity.

I would love to hear more about your dream, and I am looking forward to that post! :)

Lady of Light
It is very interesting that you say ghost car. I had the weirdest dream or at least I think it was a dream. So I will call it that.. when I feel asleep. Something woke me up. Not sure what it was. I looked at the clock it read 2am. I feel back asleep. I was standing at home and out of the air so last moth I think it was the 28th of March,2012 I went visit family in Rohnert Park. I rented a room that night at a hotel. I stayed up late that night because I was having back problems like I do most nights the bed was too hard so I got a blanket layed it on the floor,took the sheet and wraped it around me. I would say it was 12am I feel asleep quickly. I was at home and looking out the window something shot out of the sky and landed in the grass in the yard. I went and looked to see what it was. It was a molted like looking rock split in halves with this neat looking cristals inside. I marveled at it for a while. I can't remember all the detales because this is the first time I am speaking about this and forgot many things from then to now. I saw this greyinsh looking volkswagn come out the sky out stepped three men in suites. Two of them were caucasin one was black. They spoke in a soft spoken voice and polite. One man said that they need this rock the have come to take it back. I said no I found it I am not going to give it to you. They explained to me that this rock cannot remain here that no one was suppose to witness this rock thing nor find it. I said on once more, I am not going to give you this rock back it's mine if found it I am going to keep it. They said it is important that they take it back it is not suppose to be here. I said I will not give it to them. The man said must come with us. They put me in this grey volkswagon like car and we were off in the sky. Everything seemed so real but not real at the same time. I asked the men why are we in a car. One man said so we will not be moticed while on earth. We arrived to this transportation spaceship shuttle. I could see people like me not alien people getting off other crafts as well. I kept telling these alien people to take me back, take me back I do not want to be here. I asked why do the look like us: humans. One guy said that they are constantly evolving changing so they blend in with humans and that my people would not understand and that if they knew that there whould be chaos and mayham. I asked what is going on? One alien human looking man was explaining so much to me so fast that I could not processe it all. This is when things get a bit hazy and I can't remember all the detales. He was explaining to me that this is where everyone comes before they get put on different ships for different reasons. The man said that they keep some people and they do not go back they stay with them for certin duties and reasons. I began to panic I thought I was not going to be going back home. Now louder than before I said I do not want to be here I want to go home. The human looking alien man tried to calm me down.I felt like a little girl that wanted her mom. I asked are we all going to die on 2012 is something going to happen. He said that sometime soon something bad will happen he didn't give me an exact date and that all the poeple that thay have taken in the past are special and that they will take them and be taken back up by them. I demamded one last time that I wanted to go back I do not want to be here. Thats when I heard another alien man taking to the alien man to let me go they cannot keep me if I is say no. I woke up it fell as if I was picked up and set back down. I sat up the clock read 7am. The room was lightly spinning as if I was adjusting being back on ground. I could not go back to sleep I was still in a panic like state. Later that day I was watching the news and head about the astriod shower and how it was visable in the Nap Vally and other areas. I felt strange that whole day..... What a very weird dream
I shortened alot of detales because I didn't want to rewrite this reply as I tried to a second ago but it didnt post for some reason.
Wow! First, I'll keep to the them of the thread with the ghost car linking into your experience. It is entirely possible, that these "ghost cars" are in fact aliens using a different frequency and possibly even transport technology. This experience of yours sure makes that sound logical.

Now to touch on your "dream". That was not a dream. It didn't take place with your physical body; it took place more like an out of body experience, something that took place on the Astral Plane, not in the same frequency as your physical body. It was real, and really did happen. Good for you to stand up to them like that!

I don't know what else I can say to this, except for, I'm sure you are not alone with this type of experience, and I'm glad you came forward with it!

Typos are no big deal, everyone does it. It's the message you post that's important; and this one sure is important. Thank you for sharing this experience. :)
Thank you,
I must was it was very strange. I have never visioned something like that in my life ever. I sleep with a least one light on now and make sure the windows are close before I go to sleep.What makas me beieve that it was a dream is the fact that everything started off at my old house, hmm...... and I wasn't sleeing there so I found that part to be a little odd. When I woke up it had felt so surreal I had to look around the room to see where I was. It took me at least 20 seconds to realize I was actualy waking up on the floor on earth and not elsewhere. That was a relief for me.
Oh one last comment, this happened to me at the end of March. For this car like object to be seen by you makes me think WoW!! I dreamed of a grey volkswagon like car and then you actualy see one. Oh I just had to tell me experience. How creepy
It is a striking 'coincidence', however, time being what it is, is relatively irrelevant. The factors remain, these ghost cars are most likely related to what you've experienced, as there are many of them and they are here often. As I stated in my original post, I have seen ghost cars before, but I had not made notes of the sightings, as at that time, I didn't think much of it. The fact that both vehicles were grey, I can only imagine that grey is less likely to be noticed than any other color.

Being transported to another place, even to your old home, is commonplace for being conscious on the astral plane. From the sounds of it, you were clearly conscious, wherever or even whenever you were with these beings.

Another thing to consider is, with the energies becoming more and more "frequent" (the frequencies of this planet are getting much higher) and everything is moving much faster, more and more people are experiencing "strange" events, either while awake or "asleep". The state of your body then becomes irrelevant to the situation. You simply tuned into the right frequency to have this take place. That in itself is more common than people would imagine, now more than ever.

You were given a first hand look at things that most of us are unaware of. At least you are able to differentiate (at least somewhat) between this experience and a "normal" dream. Although in a dream state, again, this was not a dream. If there's one thing I've learned in all my years having the abilities that I've been blessed with, is how to tell the difference between a dream, and a vision, and an "experience".

Again, thank you for sharing this amazing event with us. It is truly amazing. :)

Lady of Light
I've seen a ghost car once and it went behind a tree and never came out from behind the tree and when I got to the tree no car...Where did it go?
It's obviously time to stop dismissing these cars as not having been there in the first place, to stop chalking it up to just a figment of our imaginations. they're real, and people see them. In fact, there's an image on google earth that shows what appears to be one of these ghost cars.


In the second video about 19 seconds in claims to be a ghost car. I think the first video may have had some too, but I can't view it, it's giving me the "not able to view in your country" BS.