New member
I am new to the forum, I found the website today while trying to find information about what I have been going through. Without a doubt I am being targeted. It all began a few months back. I had always believed in extra-terrestrials and life in the universe. Ever so often googling any recent news on the subject, then a few months back I started reading about government false flags, 9/11 cover up, and The NWO. I also wanted to know about what type of life exists out there, coming to the realization that the universe is abundant with many different type of sentient beings and intertwined with our own in other dimensions. I came to believe after researching this that we each are connected to everyone and everything that exists... that no one is ever lost. That through light and love you can tap into your own physic awareness. I practiced this with mind exercises, and things started to make sense to me... fitting like a puzzle. I started smiling at everyone I seen... showing them love through positive energy. I had never been so happy. One day I found this remote viewing website, where you would focus on 4 letters and concentrate on what you are feeling and seeing. I had incredible success doing this, it was so intense it shifted me to this absolute belief that we all were connected and could access information at any time. For the remote viewing I would write the word wind down and draw sails and a beach, and the picture turned out to be wind surfers lined up on a beach. I did this several times and each time would start to describe and draw several things in the picture that astounded me. That same day, I got this incredibly weird feeling in my head where it actually felt like my brain was swelling. I also started getting these weird electric shock type feelings behind my eyes on the days following.
I started meditations where I would try to contact a sentient being, always making sure to state that I only invite positive loving beings to connect with me. I never got any contact, sometimes I would get feelings... but that was all.
I have been diabetic for about 25 years, taking 40 units plus of insulin a day. I started focusing on sending my energy into my body.... with the intention of healing myself. Sometimes asking for help from a loving being while in deep meditation. A couple of weeks I started to actually notice a shift, I would start to have low sugars often, and decided to lower my insulin while not changing what I ate.... it got to the point of where I was down to 10 units of insulin a day and still having low sugars, even having to eat to the point of being stuffed, which I never did.
Then changes started to really hit me, at times it seemed like everything that could go wrong was with my life. My boyfriend started getting these weird marks on his chest, that would come and go in the completely filled red circles. Then he changed and started to be really cruel for no reason, at times when he was I would smile and not say anything. Always trying to keep a positive attitude and have loving energy flow from me. I asked him, on several occasions why? Why are you doing this? ...and he would tell me, I really don't know. I get these feelings or thoughts and it's almost like I can't stop myself from saying terrible things to you. Then I started noticing my family being... well they had the "I don't care what happens to you" kind of attitude from things they would do or say.
When these things would happen, my insulin would need to be taken back up...
I started getting sick for no reason, extreme fatigue and weakness. I would have serious memory problems, and I mean I would be in the middle of a sentence and go totally blank as to what I was about to say. This happened a lot, so much so that people would ask if something was wrong with me. Parts of my body would burn like being in a fire, and on occasion I would find a quarter sized mark in that location. One night while watching TV with the lights on I started to feel this terrible burning on top of my foot... and I told my boyfriend as it was happening, in concern he looked at my foot and noticed the mark appear. I would get these episodes where I felt like someone was sitting on my chest and I was fighting to breath. It got so bad one night with my health I went to the ER. they did all this blood work... urine tests, xrays and couldn't find anything whatsoever wrong with me, while getting these mean looks from the 2 nurses in the exam room.... and once I seen the doctor for a few minutes in the beginning I never saw him again. Take in mind there was only 2 people in the waiting room. It was a slow night for them.
It doesn't stop there tho... The day before yesterday my beloved dog became sick and I rushed him to the vet. Where she did bloodwork and told me she found his levels to be incredibly high for many different things. She told me he had cancer most likely prostate and that his kidneys was failing... he pretty much went blind and lost most his hearing overnight. I left him there overnight for an IV and was disturbed that she kept insisting on putting him down. I picked him up from the vet yesterday I told her I needed to have some time with him to say goodbye. He seemed to be feeling much better, and then last night he started barking and crying almost all night like he was being targeted. I kept him by my bed telling him how much I loved him, and when I got up around 7:30 he seemed to be resting finally and let him sleep knowing he needed it. Around noon I started to try to get him up... when I noticed it looked like his nose was bleeding. I was with him until the end petting him and telling him how much he meant to me. He passed away in my arms around 3pm... It was the hardest moment of my life.
This goes on and on in detail... phone clicks, credit card unauthorized attempts, failed twitter sign ins and it really does feel totally hopeless. I think the only hope is for everyone to wake up or alien intervention. So much has happened in such a short time.
Then right before writing this as I sit staring at the floor I notice the letters 7T with the T being to the right and a little above it. I may be wrong but from what I looked up this means 24 hours a day, seven days a week: all the time
I am new to the forum, I found the website today while trying to find information about what I have been going through. Without a doubt I am being targeted. It all began a few months back. I had always believed in extra-terrestrials and life in the universe. Ever so often googling any recent news on the subject, then a few months back I started reading about government false flags, 9/11 cover up, and The NWO. I also wanted to know about what type of life exists out there, coming to the realization that the universe is abundant with many different type of sentient beings and intertwined with our own in other dimensions. I came to believe after researching this that we each are connected to everyone and everything that exists... that no one is ever lost. That through light and love you can tap into your own physic awareness. I practiced this with mind exercises, and things started to make sense to me... fitting like a puzzle. I started smiling at everyone I seen... showing them love through positive energy. I had never been so happy. One day I found this remote viewing website, where you would focus on 4 letters and concentrate on what you are feeling and seeing. I had incredible success doing this, it was so intense it shifted me to this absolute belief that we all were connected and could access information at any time. For the remote viewing I would write the word wind down and draw sails and a beach, and the picture turned out to be wind surfers lined up on a beach. I did this several times and each time would start to describe and draw several things in the picture that astounded me. That same day, I got this incredibly weird feeling in my head where it actually felt like my brain was swelling. I also started getting these weird electric shock type feelings behind my eyes on the days following.
I started meditations where I would try to contact a sentient being, always making sure to state that I only invite positive loving beings to connect with me. I never got any contact, sometimes I would get feelings... but that was all.
I have been diabetic for about 25 years, taking 40 units plus of insulin a day. I started focusing on sending my energy into my body.... with the intention of healing myself. Sometimes asking for help from a loving being while in deep meditation. A couple of weeks I started to actually notice a shift, I would start to have low sugars often, and decided to lower my insulin while not changing what I ate.... it got to the point of where I was down to 10 units of insulin a day and still having low sugars, even having to eat to the point of being stuffed, which I never did.
Then changes started to really hit me, at times it seemed like everything that could go wrong was with my life. My boyfriend started getting these weird marks on his chest, that would come and go in the completely filled red circles. Then he changed and started to be really cruel for no reason, at times when he was I would smile and not say anything. Always trying to keep a positive attitude and have loving energy flow from me. I asked him, on several occasions why? Why are you doing this? ...and he would tell me, I really don't know. I get these feelings or thoughts and it's almost like I can't stop myself from saying terrible things to you. Then I started noticing my family being... well they had the "I don't care what happens to you" kind of attitude from things they would do or say.
When these things would happen, my insulin would need to be taken back up...
I started getting sick for no reason, extreme fatigue and weakness. I would have serious memory problems, and I mean I would be in the middle of a sentence and go totally blank as to what I was about to say. This happened a lot, so much so that people would ask if something was wrong with me. Parts of my body would burn like being in a fire, and on occasion I would find a quarter sized mark in that location. One night while watching TV with the lights on I started to feel this terrible burning on top of my foot... and I told my boyfriend as it was happening, in concern he looked at my foot and noticed the mark appear. I would get these episodes where I felt like someone was sitting on my chest and I was fighting to breath. It got so bad one night with my health I went to the ER. they did all this blood work... urine tests, xrays and couldn't find anything whatsoever wrong with me, while getting these mean looks from the 2 nurses in the exam room.... and once I seen the doctor for a few minutes in the beginning I never saw him again. Take in mind there was only 2 people in the waiting room. It was a slow night for them.
It doesn't stop there tho... The day before yesterday my beloved dog became sick and I rushed him to the vet. Where she did bloodwork and told me she found his levels to be incredibly high for many different things. She told me he had cancer most likely prostate and that his kidneys was failing... he pretty much went blind and lost most his hearing overnight. I left him there overnight for an IV and was disturbed that she kept insisting on putting him down. I picked him up from the vet yesterday I told her I needed to have some time with him to say goodbye. He seemed to be feeling much better, and then last night he started barking and crying almost all night like he was being targeted. I kept him by my bed telling him how much I loved him, and when I got up around 7:30 he seemed to be resting finally and let him sleep knowing he needed it. Around noon I started to try to get him up... when I noticed it looked like his nose was bleeding. I was with him until the end petting him and telling him how much he meant to me. He passed away in my arms around 3pm... It was the hardest moment of my life.
This goes on and on in detail... phone clicks, credit card unauthorized attempts, failed twitter sign ins and it really does feel totally hopeless. I think the only hope is for everyone to wake up or alien intervention. So much has happened in such a short time.
Then right before writing this as I sit staring at the floor I notice the letters 7T with the T being to the right and a little above it. I may be wrong but from what I looked up this means 24 hours a day, seven days a week: all the time