Nature Warning sign? Sea Lions disappearance now being re-examined (January 9, 2010)


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Nature Warning sign? Sea Lions disappearance now being re-examined (January 9, 2010)

EUREKA, CA- 6.5 Magnitude Quake strikes off the coast of Northern California: Was the sea lions' disappearance a mere coincidence or was it an early-warning sign? Reporters scoffed at the idea that the sea lions' departure had anything to do with an imminent earthquake about to strike northern California but in light of today's 6.5 magnitude quake off the coast of North California with its 26 tremors- Looks like the sea lions may have the last laugh. The quake was centered in the ocean about 22 miles from the coastal town of Ferndale, located between San Francisco Bay and the Oregon state line.

"After Peru’s 8.0 earthquake in 2007, most of the sea lions were noted missing from a population that lived near the epicenter, yet only two were found dead, leading scientists to consider the possibility that the missing sea lions had migrated out of the area." –The Daily Blog
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