Necessity of a Survival Kit?


New member
Do you think a survival kit is a necessity these days? Do you think there is a reason to have one other than for natural disasters?
Absolutely! We are surrounded by unrest and I think having a survival kit and a family plan (where to meet, how long to wait, etc) is essential. Natural disasters are one good reason for this, but this is a politically unstable world and anything could happen at any moment. I say be a Boy Scout and be prepared :)
I would probably have said no a few months ago, but then I watched this worst case scenario documentary about how easily a global pandemic could wipe out most of the population. I also agree that the world is pretty unstable and Boy Scouts are pretty darn smart.
Having a family plan sounds excellent. You know, where to meet if disaster, war, or anything else strikes. Because hardly all members of the family will be at the same place if this happens.
We have first aid kits in the car, food in the freezer, and firewood in the shed. Anything on a larger scale than that will be more than I could prepare for myself anyway.