New Movie about 'Extra-terrestrial Egyptian Pharaoh'

100th Monkey

New member
The Star King - An Alternate Theory of an Extra-terrestrial Egyptian Pharaoh is Brought Into the Spotlight With New Independent Film by Starseed Films. The Star King Movie - a new sci-fi adventure about King Akhenaton and brings extra-terrestrials and Ancient Egypt into the spotlight.


Daughter of Akhenaton and Nefertiti
We live on a "Religious" planet and not a "Spiritual" one. The solution for world peace can only come from a new universal spirituality that embraces all the religions and sets aside the old ego-driven idea that there is only one true way.

The Star King - An Alternate Theory of an Extra-terrestrial Egyptian Pharaoh is Brought Into the Spotlight With New Independent Film by Starseed Films

HELP MAKE THE FILM HAPPEN! The Star King -Movie | Indiegogo

The movie about a very strange Egyptian Pharaoh who mysteriously appeared in 1353 B.C. and took the throne in Egypt. Something very strange happened in the 18th dynasty and Akhenaton and his Queen Nefertiti virtually disappeared from history until 1920 when the famous bust of Queen Nefertiti was discovered under a pile of rubble. Visit the Indiegogo campaign and support the making of the film. Help make the film happen!
The Star King -Movie | Indiegogo